University of Virginia Library

Estimate of Human Greatness.

In imitation of a French epigram.

By the same.
One night I dream'd, and dreams may oft prove true,
That to this foolish world I bade adieu.
With solemn rites, and decent grief deplor'd,
My friends to mother-earth her gift restor'd.
But O! eternal insult to my shade,
Close by a vile plebeian corse was laid!
Enrag'd, confin'd, I try'd to shift my ground;
But all attempts were unsuccessful found.
Be gone, gross lump, I cry'd, in high disdain,
No slave of abject birth shall here remain.
Be distant far—to nobler names gives way,
And mix with vulgar dust thy sordid clay.


Thou fool! thou wretch! a hollow voice reply'd,
Now learn the impotence of wealth and pride;
Hereditary names and honours, here,
With all their farce and tinsel disappear.
In these dark realms, Death's reptile heralds trace
From one sole origin all human race:
On all the line one equal lot attends;
From dust it rises, and to dust descends.
Here pale Ambition, quitting pomp and form,
Admits her last—best counsellor, a worm.
Here Nature's charter stands confirm'd alone;
The grave is less precarious than the throne.
Then seek not here pre-eminence and state,
But own and bless th'impartial will of Fate;
With life, its errors, and its whims resign,
Nor think a beggar's title worse than thine.