![]() | A poem to Her Royal Highness on the birth of the prince | ![]() |
While ev'ry British Heart a Tongue employs
To hail the fruitful Mother of our Joys,
The loyal Muse once more attempts a Strain,
Who sung Britannia's Bliss at Brunswick's Reign.
To the lov'd Theme She boldly swells the String,
Which Garth, or Addison again should sing.
To hail the fruitful Mother of our Joys,
The loyal Muse once more attempts a Strain,
Who sung Britannia's Bliss at Brunswick's Reign.
To the lov'd Theme She boldly swells the String,
Which Garth, or Addison again should sing.
Flourish Eternal Greens on WILLIAM's Tomb;
Who rescu'd Albion from the Chains of Rome:
Who in a Father's Care his Love confess'd,
And bad her in a Brunswick Race be blest.
Pleas'd the long Glories of that Race we saw,
But see them lengthen'd in a new NASSAU.
The Youth, who rais'd an impious War's Alarms,
Own'd the superior Force of lawful Arms:
His Friends in mournful Looks their Cause disclose,
And Pity find, unask'd, in gen'rous Foes.
Rebellious Libels are with Caution spread,
And silent Faction droops her sickly Head.
The Royal Babe the vip'rous Brood dismays,
And in the Cradle, like Alcides, slays.
Who rescu'd Albion from the Chains of Rome:
Who in a Father's Care his Love confess'd,
And bad her in a Brunswick Race be blest.
Pleas'd the long Glories of that Race we saw,
But see them lengthen'd in a new NASSAU.
The Youth, who rais'd an impious War's Alarms,
Own'd the superior Force of lawful Arms:
His Friends in mournful Looks their Cause disclose,
And Pity find, unask'd, in gen'rous Foes.
Rebellious Libels are with Caution spread,
And silent Faction droops her sickly Head.
The Royal Babe the vip'rous Brood dismays,
And in the Cradle, like Alcides, slays.
In faithful Crowds the honest Britons press,
And longing see, and whom they see, they bless.
With pleasing Care industriously they trace
Both the great Parents blended in one Face.
Here, an Heroick Cast demands a Bard,
And glances at some future Audenard:
There, soften'd Greatness Nature has exprest,
And Carolina rises in each Breast.
So look'd Ascanius, when but yet a Child,
The boasted Pride of Latium once so smil'd,
As 'round his Temples to the wond'ring Sire
In shining Circles play'd the harmless Fire.
Or such, Adonis, was each Heav'nly Grace,
Which sweetly melted in thy Infant Face;
Like thine, his Form triumphant shall be own'd,
And from a Venus sprung, a Venus wound.
And longing see, and whom they see, they bless.
With pleasing Care industriously they trace
Both the great Parents blended in one Face.
Here, an Heroick Cast demands a Bard,
And glances at some future Audenard:
There, soften'd Greatness Nature has exprest,
And Carolina rises in each Breast.
So look'd Ascanius, when but yet a Child,
The boasted Pride of Latium once so smil'd,
In shining Circles play'd the harmless Fire.
Or such, Adonis, was each Heav'nly Grace,
Which sweetly melted in thy Infant Face;
Like thine, his Form triumphant shall be own'd,
And from a Venus sprung, a Venus wound.
Too far transported, fain th'ambitious Muse
Would paint the Court in all it's various Views;
Would the glad Lyre to glorious Patriots string,
And Thee, NEWCASTLE, not forget to sing:
But now 'tis needful to contract the Reins,
And check her wanton Sallies to new Strains.
Would paint the Court in all it's various Views;
Would the glad Lyre to glorious Patriots string,
And Thee, NEWCASTLE, not forget to sing:
But now 'tis needful to contract the Reins,
And check her wanton Sallies to new Strains.
O Princess! whom such num'rous Virtues grace,
As might give Purple to a vulgar Race:
O! born of such a Stem, so great a Name,
As from reflected Brightness wants no Fame.
Thou, like a second Livia, seem'st design'd
The Wonder, and Delight of Human-Kind.
May new revolving Years again afford
Such blissful Scenes to Britain, and thy Lord:
May the young Heroes by Degrees aspire
To rival their GRAND-PARENT, or their SIRE.
From Clime to Clime may early Fame rebound,
And distant Nations tremble at the Sound.
Thus Berecynthia blest the bright Abodes,
And grac'd Olympus with a Crowd of Gods.
Each blooming Deity saw with Surprise
An Infant Brother-Deity arise,
Whom Fate ordain'd to an unbounded Sway,
Whom Worlds, not yet created, should obey.
As might give Purple to a vulgar Race:
O! born of such a Stem, so great a Name,
As from reflected Brightness wants no Fame.
Thou, like a second Livia, seem'st design'd
The Wonder, and Delight of Human-Kind.
May new revolving Years again afford
Such blissful Scenes to Britain, and thy Lord:
May the young Heroes by Degrees aspire
To rival their GRAND-PARENT, or their SIRE.
From Clime to Clime may early Fame rebound,
And distant Nations tremble at the Sound.
And grac'd Olympus with a Crowd of Gods.
Each blooming Deity saw with Surprise
An Infant Brother-Deity arise,
Whom Fate ordain'd to an unbounded Sway,
Whom Worlds, not yet created, should obey.
![]() | A poem to Her Royal Highness on the birth of the prince | ![]() |