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The Year of Wonders

Being a literal and poetical translation of an old Latin prophecy, found near Merlin's cave, By S---n D---k [i.e. Stephen Duck]

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When a True Son of Church, and Tom-a-Becket,
With Law and Gospel make a mighty Racket;
When Powder Plots the Laws themselves lay waste,
And Judges tremble at the dreadful Blast:
When Porter, Cobler, Soldier, Bawd and Punk,
Run mad, or starve, because they can't get drunk:
When from the North loud Discontents do blow,
And Justice hangs Men up we know not how:
When wash'd in Briny-Waves, a King is seen,
Whilst adverse Winds divorce him from his Queen:
When He, (who fourscore Year was still a-Wake)
At last till Doomsday does a Slumber take:
When the Word Codex is by Heav'n so fated,
That nothing of that Name can be Translated:
When London fain would visit Canterbury,
But Oxford stops her just by Lambeth-Ferry:
When a Potter fills a Patriarchal Chair,
And some would raise a Rabbit without Hair:
When a vast Deluge, from a Serpent's Head,
The Bridge of Knight lays in a Wat'ry Bed:
When Death at once drags at her conqu'ring Car,
The mighty Chiefs of Gospel, Law, and War,
When Sol by Luna skreen'd, creates strange Fears,
And a New Star with blazing Tail appears;
When a Saint's House divided cannot stand,
But F---r against S---n distracts the Land:
When In and Out still quarrel about Place,
And Three Lord May'rs at once fair London grace;
When a good Deveil trounces Rogues and Whores,
And turns the Rainbow Regiment out of Doors:
Then may the White-cliff'd Isle expect its Doom,
And dread the Projects of the Sons of Rome:
The Cock, the Eagle, and the Dolphin's Son,
Will join to drive the W--- H--- from his T---ne.


Desunt multa in Manuscripto

Till a White Plume flung o'er the young Colt's Head,
Strikes Eagle, Cock, and Son of Dolphin dead.

Desunt multa

Add Sev'n to One, and Sev'n again to Three,
Then mark the Time fulfils this Prophecy.

Dr. Conybeare.