University of Virginia Library


Full of faint hopes, and fears the World hath been,
That these sweet measures, were no sooner seen
In publick sheets, which so long lost have lain
In private hands disperst, and void of name,
Like Embrions which are stifl'd e're their birth
Are only pitty'd and return'd to Earth,
Of fostring neither capable or worth.
And these loose Papers a like fortune had,
If by your Care and Industry not made
A Ripe and full grown birth; which sure must be
Of e'ry spritely wit the Nursery,
The Bosom friend, and welcome pocket Guest,
Of all Ingenious Company a Feast;
Who is't that would his fancies recreate
With an old Song, by time worne out of date,
Yet 'cause he Loves the Humor, or the Tune,
Would not be laught at by the boys o'th' Town,

Here, he may find a Remedy at hand,
And please himself, when few can understand
How neately he doth put the change upon
Old Chevy-Chase, or new, Nay prithee John.
Being thus provided of quaint Phrase in Ryme,
Youth may improve their knowledg, mirth & time
If riper years will have a Round or Catch,
Here's that which will their frolick humor match,
If frail conceit lye couch'd in any place,
Here's language gives it modesty and grace.
How basely then, had these rich lines been left
An Embrio, of form and life bereft.
Had you not found a means to bring to light,
What had been swallow'd in e'rlasting night.
For, Harry, careless of what he had done,
At's Friends request, to's Friend he left alone
And thought it was his Friends, and not his own.
Never reserving Copy well Corrected,
But some few scatter'd notions quite neglected,
VVithout concern, or thought of such a miss
H'has sent for Copies to that Friend of his,
Distant an hundred miles, so to retrive
Forgotten lines which he did make and give,
So that you surely found them halt and lame,
Some torn in wretched Rags and tatters came,
Some wanting Digits, some had lost a Foot,
But by your care and skill, you holp'd them to't;

And we ackowledg your Labours have been great,
Of such lame limbs to make a Corps compleat,
And now, devoting these your studies thus,
In raising these, you raise both him and us.