University of Virginia Library

The .li. Psalme.

[Haue mercye lorde, vpon my soule]

Miserere mei deus.

Haue mercye lorde, vpon my soule
thy goodnes me restore,
And for thy mercy infinite
my synne thynke on no more.
From wickednes lorde wasshe thou me
and clense me from my synne,
For I confesse my euyll lyfe
that I before was in.
Onlye to the haue I synned
and done yll in thy syght,
That in thy wordes whe men the iudge
myghtest ouercome by ryghte.

Beholde I was begotte in synne
and so my mother bare me
Wherfore I clayme thy sauynge helthe
Mercy good lorde and spare me.
That I maye render vnto the
truthe in the inwarde parte
Then secretely I shall receiue
thy wysedome in my hart.
With ysope lorde thou sprinkell me
And so shall I be cleane,
And whyter thus shall I be made
then euer snowe hath ben.
Replenyshe me with ioye and myrth
my brused bones restore.
From my mysdedes turne thou thy face
In mynde haue them no more.
A parfyt spyryte and a pure harte
O god renewe in me,
And caste me not out of thy syght
For myne iniquitie.

Geue me the comfort of thy helpe
And stablyshe me for aye
And I shall then, the wicked menne
conuert vnto thy waye.
Delyuer me from bloude gylte
thou god my helth alwayes
Thou shalt open my lyppes to speake
my mouth shall shewe thy praise
Burnt offeringes ye wouldest none haue
elles I had geuen it the
A broken and a contrite harte
as it that pleaseth the.
To Syon lorde be good agayne
after thy godly wylle
And lette thy kyndnes, there abyde
thy promys to fulfyll.
Then sacrifices of rightousnes
thou lorde wilt well regarde
And they shall offer their bullockes
thyne aulter to rewarde.

Praise we the father and the sonne
and eke the holy ghost
As hath ben is and styll shalbe
in euerye age and coste.