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The Argument.

Octauia daughter to prince Claudius grace,
To Nero espousd, whom Claudius did adopt
(Although Syllanus first in husbandes place
Shee had receiu'd, whom she for Nero chopt)
Her parente both, her Make that should haue bene,
Her husbandes present Tiranny much more,
Her owne estate, her case that she was in,
Her brothers death (pore wretch) lamenteth sore.
Him Seneca doth persuade his latter loue,
Dame Poppie, Crispynes wife that sometime was,
And eake Octauias maide for to remoue.
For Senecks counsel he doth lightly passe
But Poppie ioynes to him in marriage rites,
The people wood into his pallace runne,
Hir golden fourmed shapes which them sore spytes,
They pul to ground this vprore now begunne,
To quench, he some to griesly death doth send.
But her close cased vp in dreadful barge,
With her vnto Campania coast to wend,
A band of armed men, he gaue in charge.