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The third and last booke of songs or aires

Newly composed to sing to the Lute, Orpharion, or viols, and a dialogue for a base and meane Lute with fiue voices to sing thereto

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[Farewell too faire, too chast but too too cruell]

Farewell too faire, too chast but too too cruell,
Discretion neuer quenched fire with swords:
Why hast thou made my heart thine angers fuell,
And now would kill my passions with thy words.
This is prowd beauties true anatamy,
If that secure seuere in secresie.
Farewell too deare, and too too much desired,
Vnlesse compassion dwelt more neere thy heart:
Loue by neglect (though constant) oft is tired,
And forc't from blisse vnwillingly to part.
This is prowd beauties, &c.