University of Virginia Library


Spoliatis arma supersunt.

Graund Captain Cosmo liues of coine bereft,
Whose Page was wont his purse & coine to carry:
Now neither Page, purse, coine, nor ought is left,
Saue what hee's forc't to pawne at th'ordinary.
Thus squint-eyde fortune partiall in her gifts,
Puts men of note sometimes to needy shifts.

Non omnia possumus omnes

Who saies Alcides hath more beard then wit?
Whose place and countenance controlleth it:
Pish 'twas not meant he should more vnderstand,
Then might concerne him to subscribe his hand.

Quid non speramus amantes.

Peirce was espoused ere he went a wooing,
What should such fooles as he be long a dooing?
His wife (the wiser) thought to saue that paine,
By getting her a cloake fit for the raine.

Senibus voluisse satis.

AEsop must yeeld when Rodope will ryde,
And take no knowledge where, nor who's her guide,
Yet could the wizard wish her still in sight,
Since she at Braynford log'd this other night.

Sat saltem sic habeatur.

Some say this rabblement of new-made knights,
Makes Coaches deere, and chandlers sell their lights:
But scarce a Seruingman the more is fed,
For foot-boyes onely bring their Sirs to bed.

Duibtat mens conscia recti.

Vulcanus wiselie doth himselfe perswade,
Some of these Epigrams by him were made:
But dares not tell you wherein for his life
Least men should play on him, as on his wife.

Consuetudo est altera natura.

Mat in the mood of his distemp'rature,
Sweares he must fight to keep his hands in vre.
For being wearie of his theeuing trade:
VVhat should he do but exercise his blade?

Quod mora tardat abest.

See how Silenus walkes accomplished,
With due performance of his fathers Page,
Looks back of purpose to be honoured,
And on each slight occasion gins to rage:
You villaine, dog, where hath your stay been such,
Quoth he, The Broker would not lend so much.

Par pari referre decet.

Caluus (to blame) runs in his Laundresse score
And will not pay her scarcely once a yeare:
But then his shame is twise so much the more
For she hath truely paid him to a hayre.

Mala crescunt deteriora.

Seto is lately gone to Sturbridge faire,
Whose little takings makes him halfe dispaire:
Twere good some friend of his would tel the Mome
His wife hath had takings inough at home.

Multorum vulnera vincunt.

Much moues not Mal: but let the queane bee mou'd,
Heel swear shee's hot that hath her next approu'd.

Frustra timet qui sperat nihil.

Tush hang it: haue at all (sayes Curio)
Comes not deuze ace, asloone as six & three?
Who would not rather halfe his lands forgo,
Then be out dar'd by such a one as he.
Damne me Ile venture all vpon a cast,
Wert not as good turne Rogue at first as last.

Abijcis ista ferus? moritur mea Musa dolendo:
Accipis ist a libens? Illa quod optat habet.