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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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To the Imortall Memorie, of the Incomparable Heroe, Henrye Prince of Wales.

Thy Toomb, Arms, Statue; All things fitt to fall
At foote of Deathe; And worship Funerall
Forme hath bestow'd: for Forme, is nought too deare:
Thy solid Uirtues yet: eternis'd here;
My bloode, and wasted spirritts haue onely founde
Com̄anded Cost And broke so riche a grounde.
(Not to interr: But make thee euer springe)
As Arms, Toombs, Statues: euerye Earthy Thinge
Shall fade and vanishe into fume before:
What lasts; thriues lest: yet welth of soule is poore;
And so tis kept: Not thy thrice sacred will
Sign'd with thy Deathe; moues any to fullfill
Thy Just bequests to me: Thow, dead then; I
Liue deade, for giuing thee Eternitie.

Ad Famam

To all Tymes future, This Tymes Marck extend:
Homer, No Patrone founde; Nor Chapman, freind:
Ignotus nimis omnibus;
Sat notus moritur sibi: