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A marvelous history intitulede, Beware the cat

Conteynyng diuerse wounderfull and incredible matters. Very pleasant and mery to read [by WIlliam Baldwin]

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The Himne

Who giuest wit to Whales, to Apes, to Owles:
And kindely speech, to fish, to flesh to fowles.
And spirit to men in soule and body clene:
To mark and knowe what other creatures mean
Which hast giuen grace to Gregory no Pope:
No King, no Lord, whose treasures are their hope
But sily preest, which like a Streamer waues:
In ghostely good, despisde of foolish knaues.
Which hast (I say) giuen grace to him to knowe:
The course of things abooue and heer belowe.
With skil so great in languages and tunges:
As neuer brethde from Mithridates lunges.
To whom the hunter of birds, of mise and rats:
Did speak as plain as Kate that thrūmeth hats.
By meane of whome is openly bewrayed:
Such things as closly were bothe doon and said.
To him graunt Lord with helthy welth and rest:
Long life to vnlode to vs his learned brest.
With fame so great to ouerliue his graue:
As none had erst, nor any after haue.