University of Virginia Library


On his beloved friend the Authour, and his ingenious Cyprian Academy.

Noe sooner in our Inne, but out in Print!
Sure 'tis Arts Arcademy, and the Muses Mint:
Where in Dame Nature Pupill is to Art;
Bearing Minerva's Image in each part:
The Court of Pallas and the Muses Throne;
Where Ignoramus stands outlaw'd alone.
Baron, goe, non suit momus; for's barren plea
Against the Court; and tell him openly;
The braine of Iupiter's each Courtiers Mother:
Or bid him reade thy booke; and then thinke other.
Me thinks I see the world thy booke admire;
And Ladies dandling it with much desire
To see that hand; these flowrie Pastrolls pen'd;
And wish them Ring-like, without any end.
What Uenus can denie to be the Fem',
Of Laureat Baron; borne of Orpheus stem;
None can object against thy worth, or line;
Save more then Bigamie with the Nine:
Pernassu's thine! make joynture then;
And let God Hyemen say Amen.
To Court th' art welcome; th' Muses blaze thy Prayse:
Momus shall weare the Ivy; Thou the Bayes.
William Beversham of Grayes Jnne Esquire.