On his beloved friend the Authour, and his ingenious Cyprian Academy.
sooner in our Inne, but out in Print!
Sure 'tis Arts Arcademy, and the Muses Mint:
Where in Dame Nature Pupill is to Art;
Bearing Minerva's Image in each part:
The Court of Pallas and the Muses Throne;
Where Ignoramus stands outlaw'd alone.
Baron, goe, non suit momus; for's barren plea
Against the Court; and tell him openly;
The braine of Iupiter's each Courtiers Mother:
Or bid him reade thy booke; and then thinke other.
Me thinks I see the world thy booke admire;
And Ladies dandling it with much desire
To see that hand; these flowrie Pastrolls pen'd;
And wish them Ring-like, without any end.
What Uenus can denie to be the Fem',
Of Laureat Baron; borne of Orpheus stem;
None can object against thy worth, or line;
Save more then Bigamie with the Nine:
Pernassu's thine! make joynture then;
And let God Hyemen say Amen.
To Court th' art welcome; th' Muses blaze thy Prayse:
Momus shall weare the Ivy; Thou the Bayes.
William Beversham of Grayes Jnne Esquire.