Ane verie excellent and delectabill Treatise intitulit Philotvs Qvhairin We May Persave The greit inconveniences that fallis out in the Mariage betvvene age and zouth [by Philotus] |
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![]() | Ane verie excellent and delectabill Treatise intitulit Philotvs | ![]() |
Ane verie excellent and delectabill Treatise intitulit PHILOTVS.
Philotus directis his speich to Emilie.1
O lustie luifsome lamp of licht,Zour bonynes zour bewtie bricht
Zour staitly stature trym & ticht.
With gesture graue and gude:
Zour countenance, zour cullour cleir
Zour lauching lips, zour smyling cheir,
Zour properties dois all appeir,
My senses to illude.
Quhen I zour bewtie do behald,I man vnto zour fairnes fald:
I dow not flie howbeit I wald,
Bot bound I man be zouris:
For zow sweit hart I wald forsaik,
The Empryce for to be my maik,
Thairfoir deir dow sum pitie tak,
And saif mee fra the schowres.
Deme na ill of my age my dow,Ile play the zonkeris part to zow.
First try the treuth, then may ze trow,
Gif I mynd to desaue:
For Gold nor geir ze sall not want,
Sweit hart with me thairs be na scant,
Thairfoir some grace vnto me grant,
For courtesie I craue.
Ha, ha quha brocht thir kittocks hitherThe mekill feind resaue the fithir:
I trow ze was not al together,
This twel-month at ane preiching.
Allace I lauch for lytill lucke,
I lauch to sie ane auld Carle gucke:
Wow wow sa fame as he wald f---,
Fra he fall till his fleitching.
Now wallie as the Carle he caiges.Gudeman quha hes maid zour mustages?
Lo as the [illeg.] of fourescoir ages,
As he micht not be biddin:
Came ze to wow our Lasse, now lachter,
Ze ar sa rasch thair will be slachter,
Ze will not spair nor speir quhais aucht hir,
Ze ar sa raschlie riddin.
I wait not weill sir quhat ze meine,Bot suirlie I haue seindill seine,
Ane wower of zour zeirs sa keine,
As ze appeir to be:
I think ane man sir, of zour zeiris.
Sould not be blyndit with the bleiris,
Ga seik ane partie of zour peires,
For ze get nane of mee.
The auld man speikis to the Macrell to allure the Madyn.
Gude Dame, I haue zow to imploy,Sa ze my purpose can convoy:
And that zon Lasse I micht inioy,
Ze sould not want rewaird:
Giue hir this Tablet and this King,
This Pursse of gold and spair nathing:
Sa ze about all weill may bring,
Na sir, let me and that allane,Suppose scho war maid of a stane,
Ile gar hir grant or all be gane,
To be at zour command:
Thocht scho be strange, I think na wonder,
Blait things is sone brocht in ane blunder,
Scho is not the first sir, of ane hunder,
That I haue had in hand.
I am ane Fische I am ane Eile,Can steir my toung and tayle richt weill,
I giue me to the mekill Deill,
Gif onie can do mair:
I can with fair anis fleitch and flatter,
And win ane Crown bot with ane clatter,
That gars me drink gude wyne for watter,
Suppois my back ga bair.
The Macrell intends to allure the Madyn.
God blis zow Maistres with zour Buik,Leise me thay lips that I on luik:
I hope in God to sie zow bruik,
Ane nobill house at hame:
I ken ane Man into this toun,
Of hyest honour and renoun,
That wald be glaid to giue his Gowne,
For to haue zow his Dame.
Now be my saull I can not sie,That thair sik vertew is in me,
Gudwyfe, I pray zow quhat is he,
That man quhome of ze meine?
Philotus is the man a faith,
Ane ground-riche man and full of graith:
He wantis na jewels claith nor waith,
Bot is baith big and beme.
Ane ground-riche man and full of graith:
Bot is baith big and beme.
Weill war the woman all hir lyfe,Had hap to be his weddit wyfe,
Scho micht haue gold and geir als ryfe,
As Copper in hir Kist:
Zen, not a Ladie in all this Land,
I wait micht haue mair wealth in hand,
Nor micht haue mair at hir command,
To do with quhat scho list.
Fair floure, now sen ze may him fang,It war not gude to let him gang,
Unto zour self ze'ile do greit wrang,
Sweit hart now and ze slip him:
Now thair is twentie into this toun,
Of greitest riches and renoun,
That wald be glaid for to sit doun,
Upon thair kneis to grip him.
Thocht he be auld my joy, quhat reck,Quhen he is gane giue him ane geck,
And tak another be the neck,
Quhen ze the graith haue gottin:
Schaw me zour mynd and quhat ze meine,
I sall conuoy all this sa cleine,
That me zee sall esteme ane freine,
Quhen I am deid and rottin.
I grant gude-wyfe he is richt gude,Ane man of wealth and nobill blude,
Bot hes mair mister of ane Hude,
And Mittanes till his handis:
Nor of ane bairnelie Lasse syke mee,
Mair meit his Oy nor wyfe to be:
Quhill that the warld standis.
Let that allane, he is not sa auld,Nor zit of curage half sa cold,
Bot gif ze wat his wyfe, ze wald,
Be weill aneuch content:
With him mair treitment on ane day,
And get mair making off ze may,
Nor with ane Mainster suith to say,
Quhen twentie zeiris ar spent.
Ze neyther mell with lad nor loun,Bot with the best in all this toun,
His wyfe may ay sit formest doun,
At eyther burde or bink:
Gang formest in at dure or zet,
And ay the first gude-day wald get,
With all men honourit and weill tret,
As onie hart wald think.
Se quhat a womans mynde may meiseAnd heir quhat honour, wealth and eise,
Ze may get with him and ze pleise,
To do as I deuyse:
Zour fyre sall first be birnand cleir,
Zour Madynis than sall haue zour geir,
Put in gude ordour and effeir,
Ilk morning or zow ryse.
And say, lo Maistres heir zour Muillis,Put on zour Wylicote for it cuillis,
Lo, heir ane of zour Ueluote stuillis,
Quhairon ze sall sit doun:
Than twasum cummis to cambe zour hair,
Put on zour heidgeir soft and fair,
And sa gais on zour Goun.
Than tak to stanchethe morning drouth.Ane cup of Mauesie for zour mouth,
For fume cast sucker in at fouth,
Togidder with a Toist:
Thrie Garden gowps tak of the Air,
And bid zour Page in haist prepair,
For zour Disione sum daintie fair,
And cair not for na coist.
Ane pair of Pleuaris pypping hait,Ane Pertrick and ane Quailzie get,
Ane cup of Sack, sweit and weill set,
May for ane breckfast gaine.
Zour Cater he may cair for syne,
Sum delicate agane ze dyne,
Zour Cuke to seasoun all sa fyne,
Than dois imploy his paine.
To sie zour seruantes may ze gang,And luke zour Madynis all amang,
And gif thair onie wark be wrang,
Than bitterlie them blame,
Than may ze haue baith Quaiffis and Kellis,
Hich Candie Ruffes and Barlet Bellis,
All for zour weiring and not ellis,
Maid in zour hous at hame.
And now quhen all thir warks is done,For zour refresching eft ern one,
Gar bring vnto zour chalmer sone,
Sum danitie dische of meate:
Ane cup or twa with Muscadall,
Sum vther licht thing thairwithall,
Gif that ze please to eate,
Till suppertyme then may ze chois,Unto zour Garden to repois,
Or merelie to tak ane glois,
Or tak ane buke and reid on:
Syne to zour supper ar ze brocht,
Till fair fall far that hes bene socht,
And daintie disches deirlie bocht,
That Ladies loues to feid on.
The Organes than into zour hall,With Schaline and Tymbrell sound thay sall,
The Uyole and the Lute with all,
To gar zour meate disgest:
The supper done than vp ze ryse,
To gang ane quhyle as is the gyse,
Be ze haue rowmit ane Alley thryse,
It is ane myle almaist.
Than may ze to zour Chalmer gang,Begyle the nicht gif it be lang,
With talk and merie mowes amang,
To eleuate the splene:
For zour Collation tak and taist,
Sum lytill licht thing till disgest,
At nicht vse Rense wyne ay almaist,
For it is cauld and clene.
And for zour back I dar be bould,That ze sall weir euen as ze would,
With doubill Garnischings of gould,
And Craip aboue zour hair:
Zour Ueluote hat, zour Hude of Stait,
Zour Myssell quhen ze gang to gait,
To keip that face sa fair.
Of Parels wark wrocht by the laif,Zour fyne Hals-cheinzeis ze sall haue,
For to decoir ane Carkat craif
That cumlie Collour bane:
Zour greit gould Cheinzie for zour neck,
Be bowsum to the Carle and beck,
For he hes gould aneuch, quhat reck?
It will not stand on nane.
And for zour Gownes ay the new guyse,Ze with zour Tailzeours may deuyse,
To haue them louse with plets and plyis,
Or clasped clois behind:
The stuffe my hart ze neid not haine,
Pan Ueluot, raysde figurit or plaine,
Silk, Satyne, Damayse or Grograine,
The fynest ze can find.
Zour claithes on cullouris cuttit out,And all Pasmentit round about,
My blessing on that semelie snout,
Sa weill I trow sall set them:
Zour schankis of silk zour veluot schone,
Zour borderit Wylicote abone,
As ze deuyse all sall be done,
Uncfaifit quhen ze get them.
Zour Tablet be zour hals that hingesGould bracelets and all vther things,
And all zour fingers full of Rings;
With Pearle and precious stanes:
Ze sall haue ay quhill ze cry ho,
Rickillis of gould and jewellis jo,
My bonie burd for anis.
Sweit hart quhat farther wald ze haue?Quhat greiter plesour wald ze craue,
Now be my saull zow will desaue,
Zour self and ze forsaik him:
Thairfoir sweit honie I zow pray,
Tak tent in tyme and nocht delay,
Sweit sucker, neck me not with nay,
Bot be content to tak him.
The deuill cum lick that beird auld rowanNow sie the trottibus and trowane,
Sa busilie as sho is wowane,
Sie as the carling craks:
Be gyle the barne sho is bot zoung,
Foull fall thay lips, God nor that toung,
War doubill gilt with Nurisch doung,
And ill cheir on thay cheikis.
Gude-wyfe all is bot gude I heir,For weill I lufe to mak gude cheir,
For honouris, gould, and vther geir,
Thay can not be refusit:
I grant indeid, my daylie fair,
Will be sufficient and mair,
Bot be it gude ze do not spair,
As royallie to ruse it.
I grant all day to be weill tret,Honours anew and hicht vpset,
Bot quhat intreatment sall I get,
I pray zow in my bed?
Bot with ane lairbair for to ly,
Ane auld deid stock, baith cauld and dry,
That he my schankes sched,
His eine half sunkin in his heid,His Lyre far caulder than the leid,
His frostie flesch as he war deid,
Will for na happing heit:
Unhealthsum hosting euer mair,
His filthsum flewme is nathing fair,
Ay rumisching with rift and rair,
Now, wow gif that be sweit,
His skynne hard clappit to the bane,With Gut and Grauell baith ouirgane,
Now quhen thir troubles hes him tane,
His wyfe gets all the wyte:
For Uenus games I let them ga,
I gesse hee be not gude of thay,
I could weill of his maners ma,
Gif I list till indyte.
For Uenus game cure not a cuit,Waill me ane Wamfler that can do'it,
Sen thair may be na vther buit,
Plat on his head ane horne:
Handill me that with wit and skill,
Ze may haue easments at zour will,
At nicht gar zoung men cum zow till,
Put them away at morne.
Gude-wyfe, all is bot vaine ze seik,To mee of sik maters to speik,
Zour purpois is not worth ane leik,
I will heir zow na mair:
Mark Dame, and this is all and sum,
If euer ze this earand cum,
Zea sall repent it sair.
Zon daintie Dame scho is sa nyceSche'ill nocht be win be na deuyce,
For nouther prayer nor for pryce,
For gould nor vther gaine.
Scho is sa ackwart and sa thra,
That with refuse I come hir fra,
Scho, be Sanct Marie saynde mee sa,
I dar not ga agane,
Philotus enteris in conference with the Madynis father.
Gude Gosse, sen ze haue euer bene,My trew and auld familiar freind,
To mak mair quentance vs betwene,
I glaidly could agrie:
Ze haue ane douchter quhome vntill,
I beare ane passing grit gude will,
Quhais Phisnomie prefigures skill,
With wit and honestie.
Gif mee that Lasse to be my wyfe,For Tocher-gude sall be na stryfe,
Beleiue mee scho sall haue ane lyfe,
And for zour geir I cair not:
Faith ze zour self sall modifie,
Hir Lyfe, Rent, Land and Conjunctfie,
And Gossop, quhair thay same sall be,
Appoynt the place and spair not.
Betwixt vs twa the Heyris-maill,Sall bruik my heritage all haill,
Quhilks gif that thay happen to faill,
To her Heyris quhat saeuer;
My moueables I will deuyde,
Ane pairt to leaue sum freind asyde,
Quhen deith sall vs disseuer.
Gude sir, and gossop I am glaid,That all be done as ze haue said,
Tak baith my blissing and the Mayd,
Hame to zour hous togidder:
And gif that scho play not hir pairt,
In onie lawfull honest airt,
And honour zow with all hir hairt,
I wald sho gaid not thither.
Alberto speiks to his Dochter.
For the ane man I haue foreseine,Ane man of micht and welth I meine,
That staitlier may the susteine,
Nor ony of all thy kin:
Ane man of honour and renoun,
Ane of the Potentes of the toun:
Quhair nane may beinlier sit doun,
This Citie all within.
God and gude nature dois allow,That I obedient be to zow,
And father hithertils I trow,
Ze haue nane vther seine:
And als estemis zow for to be,
Ane louing father vnto mee,
Thairfoir deir father let mee see,
The man of quhome ze meine.
Philotus is the man indeid,Quhair thow ane nobill lyfe may leid,
With quhome I did sa far proceid,
Wee want bot thy gude will:
Deck vp and do thy self decoir,
Gang quickly to and say no moir,
Thow man agrie thairtill.
Gif ze fra furie wald refraine,And patientlie heir me agane,
I sould zow schaw in termis plane,
With reason ane excuse:
Sen Mariage bene but thraldome free,
God and gude nature dois agree,
That I quhair as it lykes not mee,
May lawfullie refuse.
I am fourtene, and hee fourescoir,I haill and sound, hee seik and soir,
How can I giue consent thairfoir,
Or zit till him agree?
Iudge gif Philotus be discreit,
To seik ane match sa far vnmeit,
Thocht I rufuse him father sweit,
I pray zow pardon mee.
How durst thow trumper be sa baldTo tant or tell, that he was ald?
Or durst refuse ocht that I wald,
Haue biddin the obey:
Bot sen ze stand sa lytill aw,
Ile gar zow Maistres for to knaw,
The Impyre Parents hes belaw,
Abuif thair Children ay.
And heir to God I mak ane vow,Bot gif thow at my bidding bow,
I sall the dresse and harkin how,
And syne aduyse the better:
Quhair thow for zeir and day sall sit,
With breid and water surely knit
Hard bound intill ane fetter.
Thow sat sa soft vpon thy stuill,That making off maid the ane fuill,
Bot I sall mak thy curage cuill,
For all thy stomack stout:
That efterwards quhill that thow leif,
Thou's be agast mee for to greif.
Perchance thow greines that play to preif,
Aduyse thee and speik out.
Sweit father, mitigate zour rage,Zour wraith and anger sir, asswage,
Haue pitie on my zouthlie age,
Zour awin flesch and zour blude:
Gif in zour yre I be ouerthrawin,
Quhome haue ze wraikit bot zour awin,
Sik creweltie hes not bene knawin,
Amang the Turkes sa rude.
The sauage beists into thair kynde,Thair zoung to pitie ar inclynde,
Let mercie thairfoir muif zour mynde,
To her that humblie cryis:
Tak vp and lenifie zour yre,
Suspend the furie of zour fyre.
And grant me layser, I desyre,
Ane lytill to aduyse.
Heir followis the Oratioun of the zonker Flavius to the Madyn, hir answer and consent, The convoying of her from her father: her father and the auld wower followis, and finds Philerno the Madyns brother laitlie arryued, quhome thay tak to be the Madyn, and of his deceit.
raging [illeg.], the feirce and flaming fyre
That dois my breist and body al combure
Incendit with the dart of grit desyre,
Fra force of these twa sparking eyis ful sure,
Hes me constraynit to cum and seik my cure
Of her, fra quhom proceidit hes my wound,
Quhom neyther Salue nor Syrop can assure,
Bot only sho can mak me saif and sound.
That dois my breist and body al combure
Incendit with the dart of grit desyre,
Fra force of these twa sparking eyis ful sure,
Hes me constraynit to cum and seik my cure
Of her, fra quhom proceidit hes my wound,
Quhom neyther Salue nor Syrop can assure,
Bot only sho can mak me saif and sound.
Lyke as the captiue with ane tyrant taine,Perforce with promise toistit to and fro,
Quhen that he seis all vther graces gaine,
Man succour seik of him that wrocht his wo,
Sa mon I fald to my maist freindly fo,
To seik for salue of her that gaue the sair:
To pray for peace, thocht rigour bid me go,
To cry for mercie, quhen as I may na mair.
Sa sen ze haue me captiuate as thrall,Sen ze preuaill, let pitie now haue place:
Haue mercie sen ze Maistres ar of all,
Grudge not to grant zour supplicant sum grace
To slay ane taine man war bot lack allace,
Fra that he cum voluntarlie in will:
Sen I am, Mistres, in the self same cace,
Ane thrall consenting pitie war to spill.
Quhat ferly thocht, puir I with luif opprestConfes the force of the blynd Archer Boy?
How was Appollo for his Daphne drest,
And Mars amasit his Uenus to enioy,
Did not the thundering Iupiter convoy
For Danae him self into ane showre,
The gods aboue sen luif hath maid them coy,
Unto his law then quhy sould I not lowre?
As faine with ane nor Daphne mair decoirQuhais vult to Uenus may compairit be:
And bene in bewtie Danae befoir.
Suppose the God on hir did cast his eye:
Quhais graces to hir bewtie dois agrie,
And in quhais fairnes is no foly found,
Quhat meruell Mistres than, suppose ze se,
With willing band me to zour bewtie bound.
Quhais bricht conteyning bewtie with the beamisNa les al vther pulchritude dois pas
Nor to compair ane clud wt glansing gleames,
Bricht Uenus cullour with ane landwart las:
The quhytest layke bot with the blackest asse,
The rubent Rois bot with the wallowit weid
As purest gold is preciouser nor glasse,
Zour bewtie sa all vther dois exceid.
Zour hair lyk gold, & lyke the Pole zour eyeZour snawisch cheiks lyke quhytest Allabast,
Zour louesum lips sad, soft, and sweit wee sie,
As Roses red quhen that ane showre is past:
Zour toung micht mak Demosthenes agast,
Zour teith ye peirls micht of thair place depryue
With Bwillis of Indian Ebur at the last
Zour Papis for the prioritie dois stryue.
And lyke as quhen the stamping seale is setIn wax weill wrocht, quhill it is soft I say,
The prent thairof remayning may ze get,
Suppois the seale it self be tane away,
Zour semlie shaip sa sall abyde for ay,
Quhilk throw the sicht my sensis hes ressaifit,
Thocht absent ze, zit I sall nicht and day,
Zour presence haue as in my hart ingraifit.
Thocht fansie be bot of ane figure fainit,Na figure feids quhair thair is na effect:
Euin sa sweit saull I perisch bot as painit,
With fansie fed that will na fasting breck,
Suppois I haue the accident quhat reck,
Grant me the solide substance to atteine,
Gif not, quhen ze to deith sall me direct,
Quhom bot zour awin haue ze cōfoundit clein?
Last, sen ze may my meladie remeid,Releiue zour Sysiphus of his restles stane:
Zour Titius breist that dois full ryfely bleid,
Grant grace thairto, befoir the grip be gane,
Cum stanche the thrist of Tantalus anone,
And cure ye wounds geuin with Achilles knyfe
Accept for zours fair Maistres, such a one,
That for zour saik dar sacrifice his lyfe.
ZOVR Orisoun sir sounds with sic skilIn Cupids Court as ze had bene vpbrocht:
Or fosterit in Parnassus forkit Hill
Quhair Poetis hes thair flame and furie socht
Nocht taisting of sweit Helicon for nocht,
As be zour plesant preface dois appeir:
Tending thairby, quhill as we haue na thocht,
To mak vs to zour purpois to adheir.
With louing language tending till allure,With sweit discourse the simpill till ouirsyle,
Ze cast zour craft, zour cunning and zour cure,
Bot puir Orphanes and Madynis to begyle,
Zour waillit out words, inventit for a wyle,
To trap all those that trowis in zow na traine
The feute of flattrie is bot to defyle,
And spred that wee can neuer get agane.
Ze gar vs trow that all our heids be cowit,In praysing of our bewtie by the Skyis:
Quhē wt zour words we ar na mair bot mowit
This way to sie gif vs ze may suppryse,
Zour doubill hart dois euerie day deuyse,
Ane thowsand shifts was neuer in zour thocht,
Ze labour thus with all that in zow lyis,
For till vndo, and bring vs all to nocht.
And this conceate is common to zow all,For zour awin lust, ze set not by our schame,
Zour sweitest word, ar seasonit all with gall,
Zour fairest phrase, disfigures bot defame,
I think thairfoir thay gritlie ar to blame,
That trowis in zow mair nor the thing thay se
Bot I, quhill that Emilia is my Name
To trow I sall lyke to Sanct Thomas be.
For feir sweit maistres quhat remeidQuha may perswade quhair thair is dreid:
Zit deme ze wrangouslie in deid,
Now be my saull I sweir:
Zour honour, not zour schame I seik,
I count not by my lust ane leik,
It was na sik thing Maistres meik,
That maid me to cum heir.
This is my sute ze sall me trust,Iudge ze zour self gif it be iust,
In honest luif and honest lust,
With zow to leid my lyfe:
This is the treuth of my intent,
In lawfull lufe bot onlie bent,
Aduyse zow gif ze can consent,
To be my weddit wyfe.
Sir surelie gif I vnderstude,Zour meining for to be as gude,
I think in ane wee sould conclude,
Befoir that it wer lang:
I am content to be zour wyfe,
To lufe and serue zow all my lyfe,
Bot rather slay me with a knyfe,
Nor offer me ane wrang.
Bot sir, ane thing I haue to say,My father hes this vther day,
In Mariage promisit me away,
Upon ane deid auld man:
With quhome thocht I be not content,
Till nane vther he will consent,
Mak to thairfoir for till invent
Ane convoy, gif zow can.
Lykewayis zow mon first to misweir,That ze to me sall do na deir,
Nor sall not cum my bodie neir,
For villanie nor ill:
Ay quhill the Nuptiall day sall stand,
And farther sir, gif mee zour hand,
With me for to compleit the band,
And promeis to fulfill.
Haue thair my hand withal my hartAnd faithfull promeis for my part,
Na tyme to change quhill deithis dart,
Put till my lyfe ane end:
Bot be ane Husband traist and trew,
For na suspect that anis sall rew,
Bot readie ay to do my dew,
And neuer till offend.
All day quhairto the treuth to tell,I dar nocht with that matter mel,
Bot zit I sall deuyse my sell,
Ane schift to serue our turne:
For keiping stairt baith lait and air,
Unsend-furth may I neuer fair,
Make I ane mint and do na mair,
I may for euer murne.
Quhen I haue vnbethocht me thryse,I can na better way deuyse,
Bot that I man me disagyse,
In habite of ane man:
Thus I but danger or but dout,
This busines may bring about,
In mans array vnkend pas out,
For ocht my keipars can.
Thairfoir ze sall gang and prouyde,Ane Pages claithis in the meine tyde,
For all occasions me besyde,
Against I haue ado:
Let me euin as thay list me call,
Or quhat sumeuer me befall,
I hope within thrie dayis I sall,
Cum quyetly zow to.
Be my awin meins I sall atteine,And send to zow thay claithis vnsene,
Convoy lat sie all things sa cleine,
That neuer nane suspeck:
I will wait on my self and meit zow,
To se zour new claiths as thay set zow,
The Carle that hecht sa weill to treit zow,
I think sall get ane geck.
I haue won narrowlie away,Zon Carle half put me in affray,
He lay in wait and waiting ay,
In changing aff my claithis:
Sir, let vs ga out of his sicht,
Sen I am frie, my freind gude-nicht,
He lukis as all things war not richt,
Lo zonder quhair he gais.
My onlie luif and Ladie quhyte,My darling deir and my delyte,
How sall I euer the requyte,
This grit gude will let see:
That but respect that men callis schame,
Nor hazart of thy awin gude name,
For brute, for blasphemie nor blame,
Hes venterit all for mee.
Stephano Albertus Servant.
Maister full far I haue zow socht,And full ill newes I haue zow brocht,
The thing allace, I neuer thocht,
Hes happinnit zow this day:
Zour douchter sir (ze had bot ane)
Ane mannis claithis hes on hir tane,
And quyetlie hes hir earand gane,
I can not tell quhat way.
I wonderit first and was agast,Bot quhen I saw that sho was past,
I followit efter wonder fast,
Zit was I not the better:
Scho schiftit hes hir self asyde,
And in sum hous sho did hir hyde,
Na sir, quhat euer sall betyde,
It will be hard to get her.
Fals pewtene hes scho playit that sportHes scho me handlit in this sort?
To God I vow cuin I athort,
And lay on hie my handis:
I sall hir ane exampill mak,
To trumpers all durst vndertak,
For to commit sa foull ane fack,
Quhill that this Citie standis.
Uylde vagabound fals harlot hure,Had sho na schame, tuke sho na cure,
Of Parentis that hir gat and bure,
Nor blude of quhilk sho sprang:
All honest bewtie to dispyse,
And lyke ane man hir disagyse,
Unwomanlie in sik ane wyse,
As gudget for to gang.
Fals mischant, full of all mischeif,Dissaitfull traitour, commoun theif,
Of all thy kin curit not the greif,
For fleschly foull delyte:
Quha sall into sik trumpers trust?
Quhais wickit wayis ar sa vnjust,
And led with lewd licentious lust,
And beastlie appetyte.
O sex vncertaine, frayle and fals,Dissimulate and dissaitfull als,
With honie lips to hald in hals,
Bot with ane wickit mynde:
Quhome will dois mair nor reasoun mufe,
Mair lecherie nor honest lufe,
Mair harlotrie nor gude behufe,
Unconstant and vnkynde.
In quhome ane shaw, bot na shame sinks,That ane thing sayls and vther thinks:
Ane eye lukis vp, ane vther winks,
With fair and feinze it face:
Bot Gossop go, quhill it is greine,
For to seik out quha hes hir seine,
Gif of hir moyen wee get ane meine,
It war ane happie grace.
Gude sirs is nane of zow can tell,
In quhat streit dois Alberto dwell,
Or be quhat singe Ile knaw my sell,
Gude brethren all about:
For thocht I be his Sone and Heyre,
I knaw him not a myte the mair,
And to this Town dois now repair,
My father to find out.
Zea harlote, trowit thow for to skip
Sen I haue gottin of the ane grip,
Be Christ I sall thy nurture nip,
Richt scharply or wee sched:
For God nor I rax in ane raip,
And euer thow fra my hand escaip,
Quhill I haue pullit the lyke ane Paip,
Quhair nane sall be to red.
Rage not gude gosse, bot hald zour toung
The las bot bairnlie is and zoung,
I wald be laith to wit hir dung,
Suppose scho hath offendit:
Forgiue hir this ane fault for mee,
And I sall souertie for hir bee,
That instantly she sall agree,
That this slip sould be mendit.
Father I grant my haill offence,Thir claithes I haue tane till ga hence,
And gif it please zow till dispence,
With thir things that ar past:
Thir bygane faultes will ze forgiue,
And efter father quhill I liue
Agane I sall zow neuer greiue,
Quhill that my lyfe may last.
Schaw me the maner and the way,And I zour bidding sall obey,
And neuer sall zour will gane say,
Bot be at zour command:
This fault heir frelie I forgiue thee,
Philotus is the man releiues thee,
Or vtherwayis I had mischeifit thee,
And now giue mee thy hand.
This is my ordinance and will,Giue thy consent Philotus till,
To marie him and to fulfill,
That godlie blissit band:
Father, I hartlie am content,
And heirto giues my full consent,
For it richt sair wald mee repent,
Gif I sould zow gainstand.
And heirto giues my full consent,
For it richt sair wald mee repent,
Gif I sould zow gainstand.
Heir is my hand my darling dow,To be ane faithfull spous to zow,
Now be my saull Gossop I trow,
This is ane happie meiting:
This mater Gosse, is sa weill drest,
That all things ar cumde for the best,
Bot let vs set amang the rest,
Ane day for all compleiting.
Ane Moneth and na langer day,For it requyres na grit delay,
Tak thair zour wyfe with zow away,
And vse hir as ze will:
Forsuith ze sall ga with me hame,
Quhair I sall keip zow saif fra schame,
Unto the day, or than mee blame,
That scho sall haue nane ill.
Quhair I sall keip zow saif fra schame,
Unto the day, or than mee blame,
That scho sall haue nane ill.
Quha euer saw in all thair lyfe,Twa cappit Cairlis mak sik ane stryfe,
To tak a zoung man for his wyfe,
Zon cadgell wald be glaid:
The feind resaue the feckles frunt,
Put doun thy hand and graip hir cunt,
The Carle kennis not, he is sa blunt,
Gif scho be man or maid.
Auld guckis the mundie, sho is a gillie.Scho is a Colt foill not a fillie,
Scho wants a dow, bot hes a pillie,
That will play the ane passe:
Put doun thy hand vane Carle and graip,
As thay had wont to cheis the Paip,
For thow hes gotten ane jolie jaip,
In lykenes of ane Lasse.
Philotus speiks to his Dochter Brisila.
Brisilla Dochter myne giue eir,A Mother I haue brocht the heir,
To mee a wyfe and darling deir,
I the command thairfoir
Hir honour, serue, obey and luif,
Wirk ay the best for hir behuif,
To pleis hir sie thy pairt thow pruif,
Use hir euen as zour awin my dow,Keip hir, for sho sall ly with zow,
Quhill I may lawfullie avow,
To lay zow be my syde:
I sall zour dochter Husband sweit,
Na les nor my companzeoun treit,
And follow baith at bed and meit,
Quhill that I be ane bryde.
Na les nor my companzeoun treit,
And follow baith at bed and meit,
Quhill that I be ane bryde.
Philerno to Brisilla.
How dois the quheill of Fortoun go,Quhat wickit weird hes wrocht our wo?
Brisilla zouris and myne also,
Unhappilie, I say:
Our fathers baith hes done agrie,
That I to zouris, euin as ze sie,
And ze to myne sall maryit be,
And all vpon ane day.
Hard is our hap and luckles chance,Quha pities vs suppose wee pance?
Full oft this mater did I skance,
Bot with my self be foir:
I haue bene threatnit and forflittin,
Sa oft that I am with it bittin,
Invent a way or it be wittin,
And remedie thairfoir.
Maistres allace for sik remeid,That sik ane purpois sould proceid,
I wald wisch rather to be deid,
Nor in that maner matchit:
Quhat aillit ze Parentes to prepair,
Zour crewell handes quhy did ze spair,
First vs to haue dispatchit.
Unnaturall fathers now quhairfoir?Wald ze zour dochters thus deuoir?
For zour vane fantasies far moir,
Nor onie gude respeck:
Is it not doittrie hes zow dreuin,
Haiknayis to seik for haist to Heauin?
I trow that all the warld euin,
Sall at zour guckrie geck.
Solace to seik them selues to sla,Ane myre to misse thay fall in ma:
Thay get bot greif quhen as thay ga,
To get thair greitest game:
And wee zoung things tormentit to,
Thair daffing dois vs swa vndo,
Gif thay be wyse, thair doings lo,
Will signifie the same.
It profeitis not for to compleine,Let vs forsie our selues betwene,
How wee this perrell may preueine,
And saif vs fra thair snairis:
Gif that the Goddes, as thay weill can,
Wald mee transforme intill ane man,
Wee twa our selues sould marie than,
And saif vs fra thair cairis,
Mak zow a mā, that is bot mowisTo think thairon zour greif bot growis,
For that deuyse deuill hald it dowis,
Sen it can neuer be:
Quhy not? gif that with faith we pray
For oft the Goddes as I hard say,
Hes done the lyke and zit thay may,
Perchance till vs agrie.
Hes done the lyke and zit thay may,
Perchance till vs agrie.
That Iphis was a Mayd we reid,And swa did for hir prayer speid,
For verie reuth the Goddes indeid,
Transformde hir in ane man:
Pigmaleons prayer purchast lyfe,
Unto his new eburneall wyfe,
Quhais handis had caruit hir with ane knyfe,
With visage paill and wan.
Quhy may not now als weill as than,The Goddes convert me in ane man,
The lyke gif that my prayer can,
I surelie will assay:
Maist secreit Goddes Celestiall,
Ze michtie Muifers greit and small,
And Heauinlie powers ane and all,
Maist humblie I zow pray,
Luke doun from zour impyre abone,And from zour heich triumphant Trone,
Till vs puir saullis send succour sone,
Of zour maist speciall grace:
Behald how wee puir Madynis murne,
For feir and luif how baith wee burne,
Thairfoir intill ane man mee turne,
For till eschew this cace.
Behald our Parents hes opprest,And by all dew thair Dochters drest,
With vnmeit matches to molest,
Us sillie saullis ze sie:
Thairfoir immortall Goddes of grace,
Conuert my kynde, this cairfull cace,
With solace to supplie.
Ane faith perfumit with fyne folie,And monie vane word alla-volie,
Thy prayer is not half sa holie,
House-lurdane as it semis:
Bot all inventit for a wyle,
Thy bedfallow for to begyle,
The bonie Lasse bot to defyle,
Na dowbilnes that demes.
Maistris quhat now? bethink ze dreme,Or than to be in sowne ze seime:
Scho lyis als deid, quhat sall I deime,
Of this vnhappie chance?
Scho will not heir me for na cryis,
For plucking on scho will not ryis,
Sa larbair-lyke lo as scho lyis,
As raueist in a trance.
O blisfull Deitie diuyne,Maist happie conuent, Court and Tryne,
That dois zour glorious eiris inclyne,
Our prayeris to adheir:
We rander thanks vnto zow all,
For heiring vs quhen that wee call,
And ridding vs from bondage thrall,
As plainlie dois appeir.
I am ane man Brisilla lo,And with all necessaris thairto,
May all that onie man may do,
I sall gar zow considder:
Now sen the Goddis abone hes brocht,
And grantit all euin as wee socht,
Let vs be glaid togidder.
Now sen the God shes succour sentAnd done euen as wee did invent,
My ioy I hartly am content,
To do as ze deuyse:
Throw Gods decreit my onlie choyse,
In mutuall luif wee sall reioyse,
Our furious fathers baith suppose
Thay wald skip in the Skyis.
My dow suppois I did delay,Now cum is our sweit Nuptiall day,
Than fair mak haist swa that wee may,
In tyme cum to the Kirk:
Ga quhen ze list sir, I am readie,
Thair is ane Gus heid, for be our Ladie,
I was zour Sone, and ze my Dadie,
This morning in the mirk.
Thair is ane Gus heid, for be our Ladie,
I was zour Sone, and ze my Dadie,
This morning in the mirk.
I dout not bot ze vnderstand,How God is Authour of this band,
And the actioun that wee haue in hand,
He did himself out set:
To that effect all men I meine,
Micht kelp thair bodyes puir and cleine,
Fra Fornication till absteine,
And Children to beget.
Bot sen the mater cums athort,Il[illeg.] vther day, I will be schort,
And dois the parties baith exhort,
To charitie and luif:
Tak heir this woman for zour wyfe,
All vther als terme of zour lyfe,
Saif hir ze sall remuif.
Tok for zour Spous Philofus than,Obey and luif him as ze can,
Forsaik for him all vther man,
Quhill deith bo zow disseuer:
The Lord to sanctifie and blesse zow,
His grace and fauour als I wisch zow,
Let not his luif and mercie misse zow,
Bot be with zow for euer.
Flavius conjuration.
O mercie God, how may this be?Zon is indeid richt Emilie.
In forme of hir a faith I sie,
Sum Deuill hes me desaifit:
I will in haist thairfoir gang hame,
Expell zon Spreit for sin and schame,
And to tell me the awin richt Name,
For Gods caus I will craifit.
The Croce of God our Sauiour sweit,To saif and saue me fra that Spreit,
That thow na hap haue for to meir,
With me in all thy lyfe:
In Gods behalf I charge the heir,
That thow straik in my hart na feir,
Bot pas thy way and do na deir,
To neyther man nor wyfe.
First I conjure the be Sanct Marie,Be Alrisch King and Queene of Farie,
And be the Trinitie to tarie,
Quhill thow the treuth haue faull:
Be Sanctis of Heuin and hewis of Hell,
Be auld Sanct Tastian himsell,
Be Peter and be Paull.
Be Mathew Mark, be Luik and Iohne,Be Leche, Stir and Acherone,
Be hellische faries euerie one,
Quhair Pluto is the Prince:
That thow depart and do na wonder,
Be lichtning, quhirle wind, hayle nor thunder,
That beast nor bodie get na blunder,
Nor harme quhen thow gais hence.
Throw power I charge the of the Paip,Thow neyther girne, gowl, glowme, nor gaip,
Lyke Anker saidell lyke vnsell Aip,
Lyke Owle nor Alrische Elfe:
Lyke fyrie Dragon full of feir,
Lyke Warwolf, Lyon, Bull nor Beir,
Bot pas zow hence as thow come heir,
In lykenes of thy selfe.
Gude-man quhat meine ze ocht bot gudeQuha hes zow put in sik ane mude?
Befoir I neuer vnderstude,
The forme of zour conjuring:
I charge the zit as of befoir,
Pas hence and troubill me no moir,
Trowis thow to draw me ouir the scoir,
Fals feind with thy alluring.
Pas hence and troubill me no moir,
Trowis thow to draw me ouir the scoir,
Fals feind with thy alluring.
Gude-man quhat misteris all thir mowis?
As ze war cumbred with the cowis,
Ze ar I think lyke Iohne of Lowis,
Or ane out of his mynde:
In Gods behalfe I the beseiche,
Impesche me not with word nor speiche,
Ill Spreit, to God I me beteiche,
Fra the and al thy kynde.
Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha,The feind resaue the lachters a,
Quhilk is the wysest of vs twa,
Man quhidder thow or I?
Flemit fuill, hes thow not tint thy feill,
That tak is thy wyfe to be ane Deill,
Thow is far vainest I wait weill,
Speir at the standers by.
I charge the zit as I haue ellis,Be halfe relickis, Beidis and Bellis,
Be Ermeitis that in desertis dwellis,
Be Lumitoris and Tarlochis:
Be sweit Sanct Steuin stanit to the deid,
And be Sanct Iohne his halie heid,
Be Merling, Rymour and be Beid,
Be witchis and be warlochis.
Be Sanct Maloy, be Moyses Rod,Be Mahomeit the Turkisch God,
Be Iulian and Sanct Elous nod,
Be Bernard and be Bryde:
Be Michaell that the Dragon dang,
Be Gabriell and his auld sang,
Be Raphaell in tyme of thrang,
That is to be as gyde.
My luif, I think it verie lyke,That ze war Licht or Lunatyke,
Ze feir, ze fray, ze fidge, ze fyke,
As with a Spreit possest;
Quhat garris zow braid? quhair haue ze bene?
Quhat aillis zow joy? quhat haue ze sene?
To rage with sik unrest.
Quhat haue I sene fals hound of HellI trowit quhen I did with the mell,
Thow was richt Emilie thy sell,
Not ane incarnate Deuill:
Bot I richt now with my awin Eine,
Richt Emilie haue maryit seine,
Sa thow mon be ane Spreit vncleine,
Lord saif me fra thy euill.
Be vertew of the halie Ghaist,Depairt out of myne hous in haist,
And God quhais power and micht is maist,
Conserue me fra thy cummer:
Gang hence to Hell or to the Farie,
With me thow may na langer tarie,
For quhy? I sweir the be Sanct Marie,
Thou's be nane of my nummer.
Gar wsche this hous for it grows laitHusband I haue for to debait,
With zow a lytill of estait,
Befoir wee go to bed:
Sen I am zoung and ze ar auld,
My curage kene, and ze bot cauld,
The ane mon to the vther fauld,
A faith befoir we sched.
We wil not for the maistrie stryue,We mon grie better and we thryue,
Na be my saull we is wit belyue,
Quha gets the vpper hand:
Indeid thow sall beir mee a beuell,
For with my Neiues I sall the nauell,
Auld custrone Carle tak thair a reuell,
Than do as I command.
Quha gets the vpper hand:
For with my Neiues I sall the nauell,
Auld custrone Carle tak thair a reuell,
Than do as I command.
I sie it cummis to cuffis the man,Ile end the play that thow began,
That victorie thow neuer wan,
That sall be bocht sa deir:
Ha mercie, mercie Emilie,
Tak ze the maistrie all for me,
For I fall at zour bidding be,
And slay me not, I sweir.
Wel clappit burd quhan wil ze kisse?Auld fuill, the feind resaue the misse,
Ze trowit to get ane burd of blisse,
To haue ane of thir Maggies:
Quhat think ze now? how is the cace,
Now ze ill all doit, allace, allace,
Now grace and honour on that face,
Quod Robein to the Haggies.
Than hecht in haist thairfoir that thowSall readie at my bidding bow,
Quhat euer I do thow sall allow,
My fansie to fulfill:
Sa gang I out, sa cum I in,
Sa gif I waist, sa gif I win,
Quhat euer I do mak ze na din,
Bot let me wirk my will.
Thou may not speir the caus, & quhy,Quhen that I list not with zow ly,
Quhat I the did, and thow deny,
Wee will not weill agrie:
Speir not the cumpanie, nor quhair:
Content thy self and mak na mair.
I man thy maister be.
I am content quhen & how sone,All till obey that ze inione,
That ze command it man be done
Thair is nane vther buit:
Quhat is zour pryce Damesall fair?
Quhat tak ze for a nichts lair?
Quhat tak ze for a nichts lair?
Ze sall a Croun vpon me spair,
Bot quhom with sal I do it?
Bot quhom with sal I do it?
Ile get a man, haue heir a Croun,Bot be weill strange quhen ze ly doun,
Mak nyce and gar the Larbair lowne,
Beleue ze be a Mayd:
The zoungest Las in all this Citie,
Sall byde na mair requeist nor treitie,
Ile cry as I war huirt for pitie,
Quhen I am with him laid.
Sall byde na mair requeist nor treitie,
Ile cry as I war huirt for pitie,
Quhen I am with him laid.
Now sen my Husband hes done laBut caus for to put me him fra,
I will vnto my father ga,
Befoir his feit to faid:
Father sa far I did offend,
That I may not my mis amend,
And am ouir pert for to pretend
Zour dochter to be cald.
Lament not, let that mater be,
Thy faltis ar buriet all with me.
Betwixt thy Husband now and thee,
Is onie new debait?
I knaw of nane, bot hee indeid,
Hes put mee fra him, quhat remeid?
And will na mair sik fosteris feid,
He sayis of myne estait?
Quhat is the mater that ze meineAgainst all ordour clair and cleine,
Schut hame zour wyfe that hes not bene,
Zit fyue dayes in zour aucht:
Is this ane plesant godlie lyfe,
To be in barrace, sturt and stryfe,
The feind wald faine man be zour wyfe,
Can neuer sit in saucht.
Knew ze the treuth gude-man I trowHir labour ze sould not allow,
Luke all my face, behald my brow,
That is baith blak and bla:
It may weill be, I can not tell,
That scho durst with that mater mell,
Let hir mak answer for hir sell,
To sie gif it be sa.
That scho durst with that mater mell,
Let hir mak answer for hir sell,
To sie gif it be sa.
Dochter gaue I the this commend,That thow thy Husband sould ganestand,
How durst thow Huir, him with thy hand,
Put to the point of felling?
That war grit wrang sir, gif sa bee,
Bot hee na Husband is to mee,
Than how could wee twa disagree,
That neuer had na melling.
Bot hee na Husband is to mee,
Than how could wee twa disagree,
That neuer had na melling.
Na melling Mistris? wil ze than
Deny the Mariage of that man,
In face of helie Kirk quha can,
This open deid deny?
Let resoun sir with zow preuaill,
Condemne mee not first in the faill,
Befoir that ze haue hard my taill,
The treuth syne may ze try.
Now this is all that I wald say,That Flavius tuke mee away,
About a Moneth and a day,
Drest in a Uarlets weid:
With quhome I haue bene euer still,
Ane vther Emilie ay and quhill,
Hee saw zow giue Philotus till,
And than in verie deid,
Supponing mee ane Deuill of Hell,With crewell conjuratiounes fell,
Did mee out of his hous expell,
As with a Bogill bazed:
As ane out of his mynde or marrit,
He hes mee of his hous debarrit,
I can not tell quhat hes him skarrit,
Or hes the man amazed?
This purpois gosse, appeirs to meSa wonder nyce and strange to be,
That wee to wit the veritie,
For Flavius man send:
Sir gif ze could declair vs now,
How lang this woman was with zow,
And all the maner quhen and how,
Wee wald richt gladlie kend.
Sa far Alberto as I knaw,I sall the suith vnto zow schaw,
Quhen I zour Douchters bewtie I saw,
I offerit hir gude-will:
Cled lyke a Boy but mair abaid,
Fra zow dissaitfullie scho slaid,
And come myne hous vntill.
Quhair I hir keipit as my wyfe,Tret, luifit and chereist hir for lyfe,
Quhill efter-ward fell out ane stryfe,
Thir maters all amang:
For plainlie in the Kirk I saw,
This man became zour Sone in law,
I did thairfoir perfytly knaw,
My Emilie was wrang.
And that some Spreit hir schaip had taneSen Emilies thair was bot ane,
I thairfoir to that Ghaist haue gane,
Conjuring hir my sell:
And fra my hous expellit hir to,
This woman seimis for to be scho,
Sensyne I had na mair ado,
With that fals feind of Hell.
Now Flavius, I wait richt weilSen ane of them man be a Deill,
My maiglit face maks mee to feill,
That myne man be the same:
For quhy? richt Emilie is zouris,
And that incarnate Deuill is ouris,
I gat, ze may sie be my clouris,
A Deill vnto my Dame.
Heir I am cum to red the stryfe,For I am neyther Deill nor Wyfe,
Bot am ane zoung man be my lyfe,
Zour Sone sir, and zour Air.
And wald not sirs let mee allane,
Quhill ze saw quhat gait it is gane,
I can tell zow na mair.
A man, allace, and harmisay,That with my only Dochter lay,
Syne dang my sell, quhat sall I say?
Of this vnhappie chance?
Haue I not maid a berrie block,
That hes for Iennie maryit Iock?
That mowit my Dochter for a mock,
The Deuill be at the dance.
Allace, I am for euer schamit,To be thus in my eild defamit,
My Dochter is not to be blamit,
For I had all the wyte:
Auld men is twyse bairnis, I persaif,
The wysest will in wowing raif,
I for my labour with the laif,
Am driuin to this dispyte.
Gude gosse zour wraith to pacifieSen that thair may na better bee,
I am content my Sone that hee,
Sall with zour Dochter Marie:
I am content with hart and will,
This Mariage father to fulfill,
Quhat neidis Philotus to think ill,
Or zit his weird to warie.
This Mariage father to fulfill,
Quhat neidis Philotus to think ill,
Or zit his weird to warie.
Be frolick Flavius and faine,To get thy Emilie againe
To deme my dow, was I not vaine,
That thow had bene a Spreit?
And vaine illusioun did appeir,
Welcum my darling and my deir,
My sucker and my sweit.
Gude sirs quhat is thair mair a do,Ilk zouth his lufe hes gotten lo,
Let vs thairfoir go quicklie to,
And marie with our maitis:
Let vs foure Lufers now rejoyse,
Ilk ane for to injoy his choyse,
Ane meiter matche nor ane of those,
For tender zoung estaitis.
Let vs all foure now with ane sang,With mirth and melodie amang,
Giue gloir to God that in this thrang,
Hes bene all our releif:
That hes fra thraldome set vs frie,
And hes vs placit in sik degrie,
Ilk ane as hee wald wisch to be,
With glaidnes for his greif.
Ane sang of the foure Lufearis.
Were Iacobs Sones mair ioyfull for to se,
The waltring wawes King Pharaois Oist cōfound
Was Israel mair glaid in hart to be
Fred from all feir, befoir in bondage bound?
Quhen God thē brocht frō ye Egiptian ground,
Was Mordocheus merier nor wee,
Quhen Artaxerxes alterit his decrie?
The waltring wawes King Pharaois Oist cōfound
Was Israel mair glaid in hart to be
Fred from all feir, befoir in bondage bound?
Quhen God thē brocht frō ye Egiptian ground,
Was Mordocheus merier nor wee,
Quhen Artaxerxes alterit his decrie?
Was greiter glaidnes in the land of GreiceQuhen Iason come from Colchos hame agane
And conqueist had the famous golden Fleis,
With labour lang, with perrell and with pane?
To sie his Sone returning with sik gloir,
As wee, quhais myndis ar satisfyit, and moir.
Gif onie ioy into this Earth belaw,Or warldlie plesour reput be perfyte,
Quhat greiter solace sall ze to mee shaw,
Nor till inioy zour hartis all haill delyte?
To haue zour Lufe and lustie Ladie quhyte,
In quhome ze may baith nicht and day rejoyse:
In quhome ze may zour plesures all repose.
Let vs thairfoir sen euin as we wald wisse,Reciprocklie with leill and mutuall lufe,
As fieit and in the Fludes of ioy and blisse,
With solace sing and sorrowes all remufe,
Let vs the fructes of present plesour prufe,
In recompence of all our former pane,
And miserie, quhairin wee did remane.
Bot now advert gude bretherin all about,That of my labour hes the succes seine:
Ze that hes hard this haill discourse throw out,
May knaw how far that I abusit haue bene,
I grant indeid thair will na man me meine,
For I my self am authour of my greif,
That by my calling sould be caryit cleine,
With zouthlie toyis vnto sa greit mischeif.
Gif I had weyit my grauitie and age,Rememberit als my first and auncient sait,
I had not sowmit in sik vnkyndlie rage,
For to disgrace mine honour and estait,
Quhat had I bocht bot to my self debait,
Suppois the mater had cum than as I meinit:
As I had gotin the thing quhairfoir I greinit.
For thocht my folie did the Lord offend,Zit my gude God hes wrocht all for the best:
And this rebuik hes thairfoir to me send,
All sik inordinate doings to detest,
Quhilk sweit rebuik I reckin with the rest,
From fatherlie affection to proceid,
That vthers with lyke passiouns possest,
May leirne be my exampill to tak heid.
Sen age thairfoir suld gouernit be wt skillLet countenance accord with zour gray hairis
Ze auncients all, let resoun rewll zour will,
Subdew zour sensis till eschew thir snairis,
Gif ze wald not incombred be with cairis,
Be maister ouer zour awin affections haill:
For hailillie the praise is only thairs,
That may against sik passions preuaill.
The Messinger.
Gude sirs, now haue ze hard and sene this serseUnworthie of zour audience I grant,
Unformailie set out in vulgar verse,
Of waillit out words and leirnit leid bot skant
The Courteours that Princes Hallis do hant,
I wait will neuer for my rudenes ruse mee:
Zit my gude-will for to supplie the want,
I hope sall of zour courtesies excuse mee.
For passing weil I haue imployit my panisSwa that ze can be with the same content:
For dew regaird gude acceptiouns gaines,
And parties pleisit dois mak the tyme wel spēt
Gif God had greiter leirning to mee lent,
Wyte ignorance that I did not invent,
Ane serse that micht zour fantasies fulfill.
Last sirs, now let vs pray with ane accord,For to preserue the persoun of our King:
Accounting ay this gift as of the Lord,
Ane prudent Prince aboue vs for to ring.
Than gloir to God and praysis let vs sing,
The Father, Sone and halie Gaist our gyde,
Of his mercies vs to conduct and bring,
To Heuin for ay, in plesoures to abyde.
[What if a day or a month or a zeere]
What if a day or a month or a zeere
Crown thy desire with a thousand wisched contentings
Can not the chance of ane nicht or ane houre,
Crosse thy delightes with a thowsand sad tormentings?
Fortune, honour, bewtie, zouth are but blossomes dying
Wanton plesoures, dotting loue are but shadowes flying:
All our joyes are but toyes idle thoughtes deceauing,
None hes power of an houre in thair lyues bereauing.
Crown thy desire with a thousand wisched contentings
Can not the chance of ane nicht or ane houre,
Crosse thy delightes with a thowsand sad tormentings?
Fortune, honour, bewtie, zouth are but blossomes dying
Wanton plesoures, dotting loue are but shadowes flying:
All our joyes are but toyes idle thoughtes deceauing,
None hes power of an houre in thair lyues bereauing.
Earth's but a point of the World, and a man
Is but a poynt of the Earths compared centure.
Shall than the poynt of a poynt be so vaine
As to delight in a sillie poynts aventure?
All is hazard that wee haue, here is nothing byding:
Dayes of pleasures ar but stremes throgh fair medowes glyding
Well or wo tyme dois go, in tyme is no returning,
Secreete fates guydes our states, both in mirth and murning.
Is but a poynt of the Earths compared centure.
Shall than the poynt of a poynt be so vaine
As to delight in a sillie poynts aventure?
All is hazard that wee haue, here is nothing byding:
Dayes of pleasures ar but stremes throgh fair medowes glyding
Well or wo tyme dois go, in tyme is no returning,
Secreete fates guydes our states, both in mirth and murning.
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