A Sacred Poeme Describing the Miraculous Life and Death of the Glorious Convert S. Marie of Aegipt who passed fortie seaven yeares in the desarts leading a penitentiall life to the astonishment of all succeeding ages [by Robert Howard] |
Psalme 26. |
A Sacred Poeme | ||
Psalme 26.
Hence fear: our lord's my safety and my light:My life's protector: what shal me affright?
Whiles bad men on me rusht, my flesh to teare,
My foes who vext' me fell, and weakened were:
Opposed Campes my courage shall not quell,
In battle strong here fixt my hopes shal dwel;
One thing I ue askt our lord, this I'le request,
That in his house I all my dayes may rest,
That I his ioyes may view and temple blest;
For he hath kept me in his sanctuâry, in
It's closest vaults, safe from the dayes of sin:
H'ath reard' me on the rock: and plac't me out
Of foe's reache: in his house I'ue romd' about,
Offring an hoaste of clamour: I will sing
My voyce o lord to thee loud-crying hear,
Haue mery on me, and to me giue ear,
To thee my heart spake, thee mine eyes desire,
To thee o lord I euer will aspire:
Turne not, nor in thy wrath decline thy face
From me thy seruant: help me with thy grace:
Oh doe not leaue nor sleight me in thy scorne
My saûiour and my God: for me forlorne
My parents both haue left: but thou didst take
Compassion on me. Lord vnto me make
A law in thy way, and the right path guide,
Least my proud enemyes should thee deride:
Nor yeeld me to the willes of raging foes
For periurd' witnesses against me rose,
And sin hath tyed' t'it self: I shal, I trust,
Thy ioyes see, in the region of the iust:
Expect our lord and manfully defend
Thy self: take comfort, and our lord attend.
A Sacred Poeme | ||