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A record in rithme

being An Essay towards the Reformation of the Law, offer'd to the Consideration of the Committee appointed for that purpose ... VVritten by some men of Law, at a time when they had little else to doe [by Alexander Brome]

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Be it remembred now that formerly,
To witt last Term o'th' holy Trinitie,
Before the Keepers of the liberty
Of England, by the full authority
Of the long Parliament, at Westminster,
Priscilla Morecrave widow came, by her
Atturney M. B. and preferrs,
I'th Court of upper bench, a bill of hers,
Against one Roger Pricklove, who doth lye
A prisoner in the Marshalls Custody
Et cetera, and 'tis upon a plea
Of trespass on the Case, Pledges there be
To prosecute the suit, to witt John Doe
And Richard Roe. And the said bill also


Doth follow in these very words, to wit
In legal manner, London, Scilicet.