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The Psalmes of David

The King And Prophet, And Of other holy Prophets, paraphas'd in English: Conferred with the Hebrew Veritie, set forth by B. Arias Montanus, together with the Latine, Greek Septuagint, and Chaldee Paraphrase. By R. B. [i.e. Richard Brathwait]

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Psalme 1. Beatus Vir.
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Psalme 1. Beatus Vir.


Blest is the man, whose walks are cleer
from wicked counsells aire;
To sinners way who stands not neer,
nor sits in scorners chaire.


But on the Law of God doth ground
the life of his delight;
And in those holy Precepts bound
his practice day and night.


And like the planted tree, that lives
the rills of water neere,
His fruit as duely forth he gives
in season of the yeere.
His leafe, shall neither times decayes,
nor tempests blast suppresse;
So whatsoever he essaies,
shall sort to good successe.


Not so, not so, the wicked race,
they, like the chaffe shall thrive,
Which from the earths offended face
the winds before them drive.


Therefore shall not the wicked stocke
in judgement stand upright;
Nor with the just the sinfull flocke


their guilty heads unite.


For how the Just their journie lay,
the Lord their Leader knowes:
But wicked doers, with their way,
destruction overthrowes.