The Confutation of the mishapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade Called the Abuse of ye blessed Sacrame[n]t of the aultare. Wherin, thou haste (gentele Reader) the ryghte understandynge of al the places of scripture that Myles Hoggard, (wyth his learned counsail) hath wrested to make for the transubstanciacion of the bread and wyne. Compiled by Robert Crowley |
The preface to the reader. |
The Confutation of the mishapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade | ||
The preface to the reader.
Good readers all, of eche degreTo you I make, humble request
When that you do this reade or se
To iudge my minde vnto the best
And blame me not, though I ernest be
In this hige point of our fayth
Which now, so many enmyes hath.
All thinges, sayeth Paull, that written be
Are written playne for our learnyng
Then syth inscripture thus we se
That Christe to vs was so louinge
Not onely death for vs sufferinge
But also lefte vs his flesh and bloude
Of bodye and soule to be the foode
Namely to suche as worthely
Receyue it with a fayeth perfete
That Christ is ther soule and bodye
Whom the Iewes slewe wyth greate despyte
Without which fayeth as I resyte
They do receyue it damnably
Not deserninge oure Lordes bodie
Good reader muse not on this thynge
How by thy reason it shoulde be
For that in errour will the bringe
Yf thou by reason seeke to se
Howe God can worke this misterie
Canst thou vyle dust at thys ceason
Measure Gods worke by thy reason
Thou art man, but a creature
Wylt thou with thy maker contend
Howe he can worke at his pleasure
Aboue that thou canst comprehend
He hath made the vnto suche ende
That thou by fayth, to him shoulde cleaue
Therfore I do, the aduertyse
Thy reason ther, to captyuate
It is no reasons exercyse
With, howe, to knowe the perfyte rate
Howe God doth worke, in this estate
Therfore agayn to the I saye
Thou oughtest him in fayth to obey
Thus ende I now my preface
Desieringe you good readers all
The perfyte fayth for to embrace
The whych is most catholicall
And if in this answere you shall
Fynd any faute, I it commyt
To such as can, truely mende it.
The Confutation of the mishapen Aunswer to the misnamed, wicked Ballade | ||