The booke of the pylgrymage of man | ||
out of gemini his course when he adualyd
& in ye crab gan take his mansyon.
Leo approchynge with coloure vnpalyd.
Ryght resplendaunte and by exaltacyon.
Lyghtly in the stelyferall regyon.
His face publyssynge by course naturall.
The tyme of estas his season pryncypall.
& in ye crab gan take his mansyon.
Leo approchynge with coloure vnpalyd.
Ryght resplendaunte and by exaltacyon.
Lyghtly in the stelyferall regyon.
His face publyssynge by course naturall.
The tyme of estas his season pryncypall.
Whenne in a place of pleasure full royall.
I stode beholdynge ferre and nere.
Lokynge if Luna by power potencyall.
At thapposycion appere wolde clere.
Marstnes sursesynge as tyme it were
The name of whiche place where I drewe nere.
Callyd is the pryory of lyousmynystre.
I stode beholdynge ferre and nere.
Lokynge if Luna by power potencyall.
At thapposycion appere wolde clere.
Marstnes sursesynge as tyme it were
The name of whiche place where I drewe nere.
Callyd is the pryory of lyousmynystre.
Merueylouse moch musynge some matter to here
Monstryouse in sentence wherby I myght
My mynde besy to compounde clere.
Theffect therof and hit to wryghte
A volume I founde that in prose was pyghte.
Of scripture by auctorytie grounded.
Abstract and .l. drawen by master hendred.
Monstryouse in sentence wherby I myght
My mynde besy to compounde clere.
Theffect therof and hit to wryghte
A volume I founde that in prose was pyghte.
Of scripture by auctorytie grounded.
Abstract and .l. drawen by master hendred.
O famouse prelat with prudence perseueryd.
Thy name of god is grounded oonly.
For lyke when a henne small crōmys hath gathered
Then clokketh she her chekyns hastely
They herynge the sounde of breste naturally.
Folowe and fede this thynge is credyble.
Ryght so of thy name the formoure syllable.
Thy name of god is grounded oonly.
For lyke when a henne small crōmys hath gathered
Then clokketh she her chekyns hastely
They herynge the sounde of breste naturally.
Folowe and fede this thynge is credyble.
Ryght so of thy name the formoure syllable.
Thou dost accomplysshe and of no parable.
Thy mynde settynge but of grete auctorytie.
In all thy werkes full cōmendable.
Bothe plesaunte to hyghe and lowe degree
Scripture gatherynge ensessauntely.
In prose compylynge all and some.
Compylynge sens of gostely wysdome.
Thy mynde settynge but of grete auctorytie.
In all thy werkes full cōmendable.
Bothe plesaunte to hyghe and lowe degree
Scripture gatherynge ensessauntely.
In prose compylynge all and some.
Compylynge sens of gostely wysdome.
Lyke as by grete expresse mensyon
In the glose recytyth Mathewe.
Of heimes the naturall dysposycion.
The chaptoure admyttyd vicesimo tercio.
Of the scrutacion thou dost right so.
The tenure amonge people publysshe ouer all.
Of grace and vertue aduocate pryncypall
In the glose recytyth Mathewe.
Of heimes the naturall dysposycion.
The chaptoure admyttyd vicesimo tercio.
Of the scrutacion thou dost right so.
The tenure amonge people publysshe ouer all.
Of grace and vertue aduocate pryncypall
And for synguler ensample to people vniuersall.
Thynge prouyd and approbate appereth in syght.
By thy lybrary who so sercheth fynde shall
Gostely frute and pathe to the heuenly lyght.
Medycyns sanatyffe to suche as haue myght.
By grace and connynge to beholde and se.
Durynge theyr lyfe the better shall they be.
Thynge prouyd and approbate appereth in syght.
By thy lybrary who so sercheth fynde shall
Gostely frute and pathe to the heuenly lyght.
Medycyns sanatyffe to suche as haue myght.
By grace and connynge to beholde and se.
Durynge theyr lyfe the better shall they be.
Thus of thy name the formoure syllable.
Firste comprehended of grete vertue is.
But yet the secounde is more amyable.
And gretlyer except aboue in celis.
For drede of synne from man expellys
And from all euyll doth hym declyne.
Afforsynge to approche operacyons deuyne.
Firste comprehended of grete vertue is.
But yet the secounde is more amyable.
And gretlyer except aboue in celis.
For drede of synne from man expellys
And from all euyll doth hym declyne.
Afforsynge to approche operacyons deuyne.
Of drede ferther it is wryten full playne
Who dredyth god wyll duely enquyre
What thynge to his pleasure he may most attayne.
And lyke wyse god graunteth his hole desyre
Right so thou kendelyst full kyndly the fyre.
Unkynd goste burnynge by corrupt synne putrified.
The pathe makynge playne to the trynall godhed.
Who dredyth god wyll duely enquyre
What thynge to his pleasure he may most attayne.
And lyke wyse god graunteth his hole desyre
Right so thou kendelyst full kyndly the fyre.
Unkynd goste burnynge by corrupt synne putrified.
The pathe makynge playne to the trynall godhed.
O my grete vertues remayneth in the drede.
As in the saulter resyteth Dauyd.
Auctorysed by scripture for matter in dede.
Uoluntatem timencium se faciet
And so forth yet ferther he procedeth.
Solempnely recytynge in the same salme.
Beneplacitum est dn̄o timentes eum.
As in the saulter resyteth Dauyd.
Auctorysed by scripture for matter in dede.
Uoluntatem timencium se faciet
And so forth yet ferther he procedeth.
Solempnely recytynge in the same salme.
Beneplacitum est dn̄o timentes eum.
Lo howe of grace hath god in one.
Heime to drede Ioyntly Ioyned.
For whose estate I aske a bowne.
To criste abone be longe maynteynyd.
In welth with prosperytte to be susteynyd.
So that after this lyfe transytorye.
Reigne he maye in the imperyall see.
Heime to drede Ioyntly Ioyned.
For whose estate I aske a bowne.
To criste abone be longe maynteynyd.
In welth with prosperytte to be susteynyd.
So that after this lyfe transytorye.
Reigne he maye in the imperyall see.
Nowe to my purpose I wyll me apply.
Groundely the prose to peruse and se.
Comprehended in the volume that before spake I
Entendynge to compyle the sence and it wyll be.
In metre roughe wherfore the trynytie
Thre persons in one most of drede.
I lowly praye my werke to spede
Groundely the prose to peruse and se.
Comprehended in the volume that before spake I
Entendynge to compyle the sence and it wyll be.
In metre roughe wherfore the trynytie
Thre persons in one most of drede.
I lowly praye my werke to spede
Finis prologi.
The booke of the pylgrymage of man | ||