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A Commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable Raigne of our gratious and deere Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth

by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Irelande, Queene &c. Now newly set foorth this .xvii. day of Nouember, beyng the first day of the .xviii. yeere of her Maiesties sayd Raigne. By Edw. Hake

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The Authours minde vpon the matter of this his litle Booke.

A publicque peace our highe Iehoue hath wrought:
A priuate warre, with hate tweene man and man
Doth Sathan breede. Good state, but life right nought:
Alas alas, what wretches are we than?
A Vineyard fenst, well fenced from decay,
A State preseru'd, but people frowarde ay.
Ah most vnkinde that neuer wyll obay.