University of Virginia Library

How the good man caused Morell to be flayne and the hide salted, to lay his wife therein to sleepe.

Now will I begin, my wife to tame,
That all the world shall it know:
I would be loth her for to shame,
Though she do not care, ye may me trow.
Yet will I her honesty regard,
And it preserue where euer ye may,
But Morell that is in yonder yarde,
His hyde therefore he must leese in fay.
And so he commaunded anon,
To slea old Morell his greate Horse:
And flea him then, the skin from the bone,
To wrap it about his wiues white coarse.
Also he commaunded of a byrchen tree,
Roddes to be made a good great heape:
And sware by deare God in Trinity,
His wife in his seller shold skip and leape.
The hyde must be salted then he sayd eake,
Bycause I would not haue it stinke:
I hope herewith she will be meeke,
For this I trow will make her shrinke.
And bow at my pleasure, when I her bed,
And obay my commaundementes both lòwde and still,
Or else I will make her body bleede,
And with sharp roddes beate her my fill.
Anon with that to her he gan to call,
She bid abide in the diuelles name:
I will not come what so befall,
Sit still with sorrow and mickle shame.

Thou shalte not rule me as pleaseth thee,
I will well thou know by Gods deare Mother,
But thou shalt be ruled alway by me,
And I will be mayster and none other.
Wilte thou be mayster deare wife in fay,
Then must we wrestle for the best game:
If thou it win then may I say,
That I haue done my selfe greate shame.
But fyrst I will make thee sweate good Ione,
Redde blood euen to the heeles adowne,
And lappe thee in Morels skin alone,
That the blood shall be seene euen from the crowne.
Sayest thou me that thou wretched knaue,
It were better thou haddest me neuer seene:
I sweare to thee so God me saue,
With my nayles I will scratch out both thine eyen,
And therefore thinke not to touch me once,
For by the masse if thou begin that,
Thou shalte be handled for the nonce,
That all thy braynes on the ground shall squat.
Why then there is no remedy I see,
But needes I must doe euen as I thought:
Seing it will none otherwise be,
I will thee not spare by God that me bought.
For now I am set thee for to charme,
And make thee meeke by Gods might,
Or else with roddes while thou arte warme,
I shall thee scourge with reason and right.

Now good Morels skin,
Receiue my curst wife in.