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The Trve Testimonie of a Faithfvll Svbiect

Containing seuerall exhortations to all estates, to continue them in their due obedience: together with the reward of a faithfull subiect to his Prince. Also a thanksgiuing to God for the happie deliuery of the house of Parliament from the late horrible treason [by Richard Vennar[d]

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A Thanksgiuing to God for the happie deliuerance of the Kings most excellent Maiesty, the Queen, Prince, Nobilitie, and Commons, from the most horrible contriued treason, pretended against them in the high Court of Parliament, tending to the vtter desolation and ruine of all his Maiesties kingdomes; but preuented by the almightie prouidence, and the onely prudent foresight of the Kings most excellent Maiestie.

A Thanksgiuing to God for the happie deliuerance of the Kings most excellent Maiesty, the Queen, Prince, Nobilitie, and Commons, from the most horrible contriued treason, pretended against them in the high Court of Parliament, tending to the vtter desolation and ruine of all his Maiesties kingdomes; but preuented by the almightie prouidence, and the onely prudent foresight of the Kings most excellent Maiestie.

Reioyce O Brittaine, sing and clap thy hands,
For God himselfe doth for thee safely fight:
No foe so great, but that thy force withstands,
It is so strengthened by the heauenly might.
The Popes great malice, and the Papists pride,
Before thy face do fall on euery side.

Now shalt thou heare of nothing but confusion
Vpon the head of all thy harmefull foes:
Now shall the traitors find the full conclusion,
That in the end of all rebellion growes:
And they shall fret to see their pride puld downe,
Whilst God preserues thy soueraigne & his crown.
Now shall the Pope with all his practise faile,
The hope of traitors all be ouerthrowne:
Nor Pope nor traitor now shall none preuaile,
To do thee hurt that but defendst thine owne.
Now serue thy God, and giue him thankes for all,
And keepe thy faith, and thou shalt neuer fall.
Be true (I say) and faithfull to thy God,
And euer loyall to thy soueraigne King,
For whose loue sake we haue escapt this rod,
Which otherwise had scourg'd vs for our sin:
He will not suffer any to destroy thee,
But ouerthrow their forces that annoy thee.

In Scotland late how did he in that land
Preserue the King from traitrous Gowries treason:
And by the helpe of worthy Ramseys hand
Did slay the traitor, as it was but reason:
Where noble Ramsey by deserued fame,
Eterniz'd hath the honour of his name.
Now let all hearts of happie Brittaine pray
Unto our God of glorious mercies power,
That he will still be our almightie slay,
Our rocke, our castle, and our heauenly tower:
That in his mercie we may fearelesse liue,
And to his gracious loue all glorie giue.
Let vs still pray that he will still preserue
Our gracious King in his eternall grace,
And giue vs grace him truly for to serue,
And all vnfaithfull traitors to deface:
To spend our liues but in our countries cause,
And be obedient to his blessed lawes.

Rebellion is a sinne of witchcraft named,
And witches are but diuels in their natures:
O hellish fiends to the diuell framed,
Which so deceiue but the accursed creatures.
O cursed Sinne that ouer man should know thee!
God blesse King Iames and al his subiects fro thee.
And since that truth doth try out euery thought,
Where on the depth of euery sence is sounded,
Against that truth who hath the treason wrought,
That an vngracious reason hath bene grounded.
What euer fortune for a time do fall,
Confusions shame will be the end of all.
God grant it so, and with his gracious hand
Long blesse the daies of our dread soueraigne King,
And make him Emperour of this blessed land,
Till no more land within the world be scene:
And make his conquests euermore victorious,
And all his kingdomes in thy mercie glorious.

Blesse valiant Ramsey with that mount of ioy,
That noble truth in truest noblenesse,
May stand so strong, as nothing may destroy:
But in the height of honours happinesse
May by the vertue of best valure proued,
Of God and man be blessed and beloued.
Blesse all his Councell, and his faithfull friends,
Court, cities, countries, all in such a peace,
As all the world that sees proud traitors ends,
May cause the roote of all rebellion cease:
Such peace and plentie, loue and concord send,
That we may sing thy glorie without end.
Pray now with me, and prayer neuer cease
Vnto the God of all eternall glorie,
His life, his health, his comfort to increase,
To Brittaines blisse and neuer ending storie,
That he may breathe an euerlasting breath,
And those may pine in hell that seeke his death.