University of Virginia Library


By soddeyn sight, loue hath enflamed twaine,
and both do yelde. At last by frendes consent
they maried are: their restles mindes content.
then hated warres, eftsones renewes their paine
where to he goeth: and they feele both againe,
vnrest. But he for vertue made a knight
meanes to retourne, and then a naughtie wight,
laies treasons guilte, who for his hire is slaine
In Combate fyght: which did that Traitor craue
and eke (alas) the gentle knight hath found
in his defence, that brought him to his graue.
which knowen, of life his ladye doth confounde.
Her mother dieth, that dolful chaunce to spie:
her Father lyueth: but wisheth still to die.
Ber. Garter.