The Minte of deformities [by C. G., gent.] | ||
To the gentle Perusers of my vnpolisht Primitiæ
The neuer vewing warehouse of
like (ould Silenus asse) would faine repeate,
Vnto the open world, darke ignorance,
making it glowe with harsh intellegence,
You shall not surfet on the guilded crummes,
which with vncapable conceipts begunne,
Making the world beleeue their high pitcht vaine,
renowmed eloquence admired straine,
With founding tearmes to cracke the open vault,
of vnconceiued labors, and to walke,
The statly round of all sought loftinesse,
daining fayre entrance to each common meanesse,
This doe I hate, all men may me conceiue,
I seeke to please, and not your wits bereaue.
like (ould Silenus asse) would faine repeate,
Vnto the open world, darke ignorance,
making it glowe with harsh intellegence,
You shall not surfet on the guilded crummes,
which with vncapable conceipts begunne,
Making the world beleeue their high pitcht vaine,
renowmed eloquence admired straine,
With founding tearmes to cracke the open vault,
of vnconceiued labors, and to walke,
The statly round of all sought loftinesse,
daining fayre entrance to each common meanesse,
This doe I hate, all men may me conceiue,
I seeke to please, and not your wits bereaue.
The Minte of deformities [by C. G., gent.] | ||