[Chronicle of Fabyan] | ||
Prima Pars Bruti.
[Celestyall Goddesse/that weldest frith and wood]
Celestyall Goddesse/that weldest frith and woodThe wylde bore & bestz/thou feryst by thy myght
Guyder of shypmen passyng the Rageous flood
The infernall howses/for and the Erth a ryght
Beholde and serche/& shewe where I shall lyght
Tell the certayne place/where euerlastyngly
A temple of virgyns/to the I shall edefye.
[Brute farre by West/ouer the lande of Fraunce]
Brute farre by West/ouer the lande of FraunceAn Ile in occeane there is/all closed with the see
This Ile wc Graūtz/whylom inhabyt by chaūce
Nowe beynge deserte/as apte for thy people left the
In this of thy body/kynges borne shal be
And of this Ile thou shalbe lorde and kynge
Serche this for here a perpetuell See to the
And here to thy childer/a new Troy shal sprynge.
[Chronicle of Fabyan] | ||