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Hoccleve's Works. II

The minor poems in the Ashburnham Ms. Addit. 133. ... Edited by Sir Israel Gollancz

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II. Ad filium Honor et Gloria.
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II. Ad filium Honor et Gloria.


O blessid chyld Iesu / what haast thow do,
Þat for vs shuldist souffre swich Iewyse?
Louynge chyld / what stired thee ther-to,
That thow woldest be treted in swich wyse?
what causid thee to take þat empryse?
what was thy gilt, and thyn offense, I preye,
And cause of deeth / and dampnyng eek, I seye?


I am the wownde of al thy greuance;
I am the cause of thyn occisioun,
And of thy deeth / dessert / of thy vengeance
I am also verray flagicioun;
I causid thee thy greuous passioun;
Of thy torment I am solicitour,
Thow goddes sone / our Lord & Sauueour!


O goddes secree disposicioun,
And wondirful and priuee iugement,


Ful merueillous is thy condicioun!
The wikkid man synneth / the good is shent;
The gilty trespaceth / the Innocent
Is beten / & the shrewe dooth offense,
The meek is dampned in his innocence.


The peyne þat the wikkid man disserueth,
The giltelees receiueth paciently;
The lord his seruant in his gilt preserueth
Fro punyshyng / & bieth it deerly
Him-self / & þat the man dooth wikkidly,
God keepith him fro punisshyng & teene,
And al þat charge / him list for him susteene.


Fro whenne / blessid sone of god / fro whenne
Descendid is thy greet humilitee?
whens comth the loue / we feele in thee brenne?
Fro whens eek is procedid thy pitee?
And fro whens growith thy benignitee?
whens streccith thy loue and affeccioun?
Fro whens is sprongen thy conpassioun?


I am he / þat wroght haue synfully,
And thow, giltlees, took vp on thee the peyne:
I dide amis / I synned greuously,
For which thow greeued were in euery veyne:
Thy louyng charitee nat list desdeyne
To bye our gilt / thogh thow were innocent,
But on the crois souffriddist thy torment.


I woxe am prowd / thow keepist thy meeknesse;
My flessh is bolned / thyn is woxen thynne;
Myn herte is wrappid in vnbuxumnesse;
And thow buxum / our soules for to wynne,
Boghtest deere our corrupt & roten synne;
My lust obeied vn-to glotonye,
But thee list nat / thee to þat lust applie.



I was vanysshid by concupiscence,
For to eten of the vnleefful tree;
And for my lust and inobedience,
Thy feruent loue / & parfyt charitee,
O blisful chyld / to the crois ladden thee:
where as þat I took the deffendid thyng,
Thow deidest for me, Iesu, heuene kyng.


In mete & drynke / I delyte me;
And on the gibet took thow greet duresse:
Betwixt tho two / is greet dyuersitee.
Taastid haue I the fair apples swetnesse;
Ofgalle thow taastist the bittirnesse:
Eeue me gladith / with a lawwhyng ye,
And weepynge vp-on thee / reewith Marie.


O Kyng of glorie / thow beholde & see
what peynes thow suffriddist for our sake!
And syn þat we so deere costed thee,
Thow keepe vs fro the might of feendes blake!
Lat nat thy charitable loue asslake;
And graunte vs grace thee to loue & drede,
And yeue vs heuene whan þat we be dede!