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The beginning —The subject proposed, in a dedication to the Lion—The Mammoth, with the municipal and judicial regulations of his kingdom, and the moral rectitude of his subjects—Canis, the Shepherd, his character and popularity —Sheep washing—Capra, a Goat, enters a complaint against her shepherd for abusing his trust—The grand jury, on her evidence, find a bill against him—Description of the season, and the Lion's couch—Capra petitions the Lion that the cause may be tried before the Great Court, (smaller matters being generally decided by arbitration)—Jackall ordered to summon the members of the Great Court to attend—The Court convened—Judges, marshals, jurors, high-sheriff, &c.—Ancient mode of opening court—Attorney-general —Indictment for assault and battery—Defendant pleads not guilty—Names and description of the counsel on both sides, with some anecdotes of their lives— Pleadings opened, on the part of the beasts, by Ursus, the Bear—Capra examined by Pardus, the Panther—Cross-examined by Reynard, the Fox—Defendant's case opened by Dama the Buck—Names of witnesses for defendant called—Witnesses sworn—Ovis, an ewe, examined by Dama —Cross-examined by Pardus—Court adjourn.

Scene—Banks of the Missouri. Time—seven hours.

As it is said to be necessary for all things to have a beginning, a middle, and an end: and as I hate invocations or apostrophes of any kind: I choose to begin with “The beginning