University of Virginia Library



When through the snowy cover
Of winter veiling all the ground,
By nature's earnest lover
The Snow-drop fair is found,
He takes it to his bosom,
Nor loves his floweret less, I ween,
Because the little blossom
In humble guise is seen.
A simple flower I bring you;
My fragile offering kindly take!
A simple song I sing you,
Oh! love it for my sake!


I've nursed my Snow-drop sadly,
With smiles and tears of fear and hope,
And mournfully and gladly
I see its light leaves ope.
I mourn for all the brightness,
The Innocence, the guileless truth,
The faith, the joy, the lightness,
That blessed my early youth!
Yet I rejoice in feeling,
That still e'en now, whene'er beguiled
By childhood's sweet revealing,
I am again a child!