University of Virginia Library



I've lived upon thy memory—
I knew that thou wert mine
When first I took that trembling hand,
And pressed those lips of thine;
And now I care not what my lot
On life's wide shore may be,
So I may look upon thy face,
And dwell, my love, with thee.
I 've lived upon thy memory
For many a long, long year,
And though I loitered on the road,
My heart was ever here;
Beneath another sky I've slept—
It was my fate to roam—
But all my dreams of happiness
Were made of thee and home.
Oh! I have wandered many miles
Far o'er the beauteous earth,
But never passed a sunnier land
Than that which gave me birth—
Where blooms the fairest rose of all
Down in a quiet glen;
It is mine own—that little flower
Hath called me back again.