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O the sun is bright and the day is fair,
And the sweet breeze wanders everywhere,
And the sweet birds sing as they lightly fly,
And I wish we could join them, Madge and I.
We are bidden to listen and so we do,
Shut up in the narrow and stuffy pew,
Behaving just as well as we can,
We look over there at the preacher man.
I can't understand, though I take such pains;
All sense seems gone from our little brains,
So we just sit quiet as best we may,
And wait till the long hour wears away.
My poor little sister tried to keep
Her blue eyes wide, but she fell asleep,
'Tis so close and stupid and dull and warm,
And I hold her safe in my tired arm.
But what in the world he is talking about
We do not know, and we can't find out.
O how can he have so much to say,
The preacher man, such a lovely day?