University of Virginia Library




[Song at a Festival in Philadelphia in commemoration of the ever memorable Victory of Lord Nelson of the Nile.]

From Britain's proud Island, the Queen of the Main,
Hear the heart-chearing music of conquest again;
As Vincent and Duncan in their triumphs unfurl'd,
So Nelson, brave Nelson amazes the world.
Hearts of oak are her ships, hearts of oak are her men,
They always are ready,
Steady boys, steady,
To fight and to conquer, again and again.
Like cliff-guarded Islands his squadron was moor'd
His guns with the bolts of destruction were stor'd,
As the Angel of vengeance, he ordered the fight,
And flash'd its red flame on the visage of night.
Hearts of oak, &c.
How dread was the scene, on the gloom-shrouded flood,
When Nile's oozy waters were mingled with blood,
While darkness and horror encompass'd the foe,
And death in all shapes laid the infidels low.
Hearts of oak, &c.


With a burst as from Ætna, their Chief blown in air,
And their bare flagless hulks wrap'd in silent despair;
The conflict subsided, and Nelson sublime,
In triumph sent home a whole fleet at a time.
Hearts of oak, &c.
Exult little Island! fair Queen of the Main,
We'll echo thy songs of rejoicing again,
And soon shall our Eagle, combin'd in the cause,
Display his sea laurel and gain thy applause.
Hearts of oak, &c.