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Mary Coe.

In he city of Whampo'
Lib Joss-pidgin-man name Coe.
Massa Coe, he missionaly,
Catchee one cow-chilo Maly.
Fáta-man he leadee book,
Maly talkee wit'h he cook;
Good olo fáta talkee Josh,
China-cook he talkee bosh.
All-day he Maly stand and talk,
Or go outside wit'h cook to walk;
She wantchee much to helpee him,
An' talkee Pidgin allo-tim.
By'mby t'hat Maly gettee so,
He only talkee Pidgin—g'low.
An' fáta solly to look-see,
She tinkee-leason like Chinee.


One piecee flin flom Boston come
One day to findee Coe at home,
He sháman wailo open door,
But Maly lun chop-chop before.
T'hat gentleum talkee when he come,
“Is Mister Coe, my dear, at home?”
An' Maly talk he, velly tlue,
“My tinkee dis tim no can do.
“He olo fáta—still as mouse,
He chin-chin Joss top-sidee house.
Allo-tim he make Joss-pidgin,
What you fan-kwei cally 'ligion.”
T'hat gentleum much stare galow
To healee girley talkee so,
He say, “Dear child, may I inquire
Which form of faith you most admire?”
An' Maly answer he lequest,
“My like Chinee Joss-pidgin best;
My love Kwan-Yin wit'h chilo neat,
An' Joss-stick smellum muchee sweet.
“Afong our olo cook, down-stair,
He teachee Maly Chinee player,


Talk if my chin-chin Fo, ch'hoy!
Nex' tim my born, my bornee boy.
An' t'hen my catchee, nicey new,
A 'ittle dacket—towsers, too,
An' lun about wit'h allo boys
In bu'ful boots 'at makee noise.”
Tear come in he gentleum eyes,
An' t'hen he anger 'gin to lise;
He wailo scoldee Massa Coe
For 'glectin' littee Maly so.
An' Massa Coe feel velly sore,
An' go an' scold he compladore;
An' compladore all hollor shook,
Lun downy stairs an' bang 'he cook.
An' worsey allo-allo pain,
Maly go Boston homo 'gain;
No filee clacker any more,
Nor talk wit' cook an' compladore.
If Boston girley be let go,
She sartin sure to b'lieve in Fo;
An' he nex' piecee in he plan,
Is to lun lound an' act like man.


So, littee chilos, mindee look,
An' neva talkee wit' t'he cook;
Fo' if you do, firs' ting you know,
You catchee fits—like Maly Coe.

Note.—Dis one muchee pukkha stoly my tell Massa 'bout he littee Maly—all-same my no hab tinkee he can do one piecee sing-song 'bout 'um. But one ting no be pukkha. Wat-tim Massa talkee my to makee one piecee Molal-Pidgin, my say—

“Suppose you bad, you hab to go
To Boston, all-same Maly Coe.”

Massa he talkee, “Boston-man no likee dat pidgin: Bos'on-man too muchee good to my.” So Massa makee he sing-song as belongey, an' my makee dis note as belongey.

Ah Chung.


Joss-pidgin-man, clergyman.

Cow-chilo, girl (obsolete).


G'low, galaw, a meaningless interjection.


Sháman, servant (unusual).

Wailo, went.

Kwan-Yin, the Chinese goddess of Mercy, represented as holding an infant.

Chilo, child.

“Tells me if I pray to Budda-ha, ha!”

Wailo, went.

Hollor, horror.

Fire crackers.

Fo, Buddha.

Pukkha, true.