University of Virginia Library


ELEGY, to the Memory of the same.

O Death! thou victor of the human frame!
The soul's poor fabrick trembles at thy name!
How long shall man be urg'd to dread thy sway
For those whom thou untimely tak'st away?
Life's blooming spring just opens to our eyes,
And strikes the senses with a sweet surprize,
When thy fierce arm uplifts the fatal blow
That hurls us breathless to the earth below.
Sudden as darts the lightning thro' the sky
Around the globe thy various weapons fly:
Here war's red engines heap the field with slain,
And pallid sickness there extends thy reign;
Here the soft Virgin weeps her Lover dead,
There Maiden beauty sinks the graceful head,
Here Infants grieve their Parents are no more,
There rev'rent Sires their Childrens deaths deplore.
Here the sad friend—O! save the sacred name,
Yields half his soul to thy relentless claim;
O pardon, pardon the descending tear!
Friendship commands, and not the Muses here.
O say, thou much lov'd dear departed shade,
To what celestial region hast thou stray'd?


Where is that vein of thought, that noble fire
Which fed thy soul, and bade the world admire?
That manly strife with fortune to be just,
That love of praise? an honourable thirst!
The Soul, alas! has fled to endless day.
And left its house a mould'ring mass of clay.
There, where no fears invade, nor ills molest,
Thy soul shall dwell immortal with the blest;
In that bright realm, where dearest friends no more
Shall from each other's throbbing breasts be tore,
Where all those glorious spirits sit enshrin'd,
The just, the good, the virtuous of mankind.
There shall fair angels in a radiant ring,
And the great Son of Heav'ns eternal King,
Proclaim thee welcome to the blissful skies,
And wipe the tears for ever from thy eyes.
How did we hope—alas! the hope how vain!
To hear thy future more enripen'd strain;
When fancy's fire with judgement had combin'd
To guide each effort of th' enraptur'd mind.
Yet are those youthful glowing lays of thine
The emanations of a soul divine;
Who heard thee sing but felt sweet music's dart
In thrilling transports pierce his captiv'd heart?
Whether soft melting airs attun'd thy song,
Or pleas'd to pour the thundring verse along,


Still nobly great, true offspring of the Nine,
Alas! how blasted in thy glorious prime!
So when first opes the eye-lids of the morn,
A radiant purple does the heav'ns adorn,
Fresh smiling glory streaks the skies around,
And gaily silvers each enamel'd mound,
'Til some black storm o'erclouds the æther fair,
And all its beauties vanish into air.
Stranger, who e'er thou art, by fortune's hand
Soft on the baleful Carolinian strand,
Oh! if thou seest perchance the Poet's grave
The sacred spot with tears of sorrow lave;
Oh! shade it, shade it with ne'er fading bays.
Hallow'd's the place where gentle Godfrey lays.
(So may no sudden dart from death's dread bow
Far from the friends thou lov'st e'er lay thee low),
There may the weeping morn its tribute bring,
And angels shield it with their golden wing,
'Til the last trump shall burst the womb of night,
And the purg'd atoms to their Soul unite!
October 1, 1763. N. EVANS