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Handkerchiefs from Paul

being pious and consolatory verses of Puritan Massachusetts

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William Tompson, Anagram 2: now i am slipt home.
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William Tompson, Anagram 2: now i am slipt home.

Fowr years twice tould i dwelt in darkest Cell,
In Cruell bonds of melloncholy bound.
I surely thought I was in lowest hell;
Much pain & grīfe, but no releif, i found.
But now throw grace my weighty Chain is loosd,


God hath returnd my long Captiuity;
My weary soul, that Comfort oft refusd,
This day is set at perfect liberty;
And now i dwell at home with Christ, my lord,
With robes of righteousness most richly Clad;
With rarest pleasures the highest heauens aford,
Feasted, refresh:d, beyond exp̄rienc glad.
S. Danforth