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I see a cottage leagues from here;
A garden near; some orchard trees;
A leafy glimpse of creeping seas;
And in the cottage something dear,—
A square of sunlight on the floor,
Blocked from the window; in the square
A happy child with heavenly hair,
To whom the world is more and more.


They bear him to an upper room,
When comes the eve: he hums for me,
Like some voluptuous drowsy bee,
That shuts his wings in honied gloom.
I see a shadow in a chair;
I see a shadowy cradle go;
I hear a ditty, soft and low:
The mother and the child are there!
At length the balm of sleep is shed;
One bed contains my bud and flower:
They sleep and dream, and hour by hour
Goes by, while angels watch the bed.
Sleep on, and dream, ye blessed pair!
My prayer shall guard ye night and day;
Ye guard me so, ye make me pray:
Ye make my happy life a prayer!