University of Virginia Library



Oh, maiden fair, thy pure and peaceful breast
Glows not like some we too oft trust in vain,
As erring sea-birds fondly stoop for rest
When winds are strong, upon the restless main:
Yet, maiden fair, thine eyes shed cheerful light,
Like that of those twin-stars which still the storm,
For thro' them looks the soul that makes them bright,
Mild as thy speech, and lovely as thy form.
Oh, maiden fair, to those auspicious eyes
No evil passions e'er have sent a tear,
Nor envious, nor repining thoughts, with sighs,
Disturbed thy quiet bosom's native cheer:
So, maiden fair, though richly colored rays
In yon unclouded sun's clear beams combine,
More happy gleams compose the light that plays
Gently in that calm thoughtful glance of thine.