University of Virginia Library



There was strife among the lilies,
While throbbed each nectared cell;
There was strife among the roses,
Each claimed to be the belle;
The winds that came to woo them
Loved all of them so well,
They could not, with their airy tongues,
Who was the queenliest tell.
But Onnolee, the cherub,
Arrayed in purest white,
Burst, like a heavenly vision,
Upon the raptured sight;
Her cheeks outblushed the roses,
The lilies were less bright;
Her eyes like stars when cloudless
Is June's delicious night.
Sylphs of the laughing summer
Danced near her on the green—
The bob-o'-link and oriole,
With breast of golden sheen;
And flashing by, with Iris dyes,
The humming-birds were seen,
While every blossom found a tongue,
And cried—“Behold our queen!”