University of Virginia Library



At busy morn—at quiet noon—
At evening sad and still,
As wayward as the lawless mist
That wanders where it will,
She comes—my little one.
I cannot have a dream so wrought
Of nothings, nor so wild
With fantasies, but she is there,
My heavenly-human child—
My glad, gay little one.
She never spake a single word
Of wisdom, I agree;
I loved her not for what she was,
But what she was to me—
My precious little one.
You might not call her beautiful,
Nor haply was she so;
I loved her for the loveliness
That I alone could know—
My sweet-souled little one.
I say I loved, but that is wrong;
As if the love could change
Because my dove hath got her wings,
And taken wider range!
Forgive, my little one.
I still can see her shining curls
All tremulously fair,
Like fifty yellow butterflies
A-fluttering in the air:
My angel little one.
I see her tender mouth, her eyes,
Her garment softly bright,
Like some fair cloud about the morn
Will roses all a-light:
My deathless little one.