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NOW Night's sullen Noon spreads her mantle around,
And menacing thunders roll solemn in air,
Amanda's sad accents the woodlands resound,
Dark mountains re-echo these plaints of despair.
“See how the gloom deepens, the rude tempest roars,
“And loud the rough North-wind howls through the expanse,
“Old Ocean, hoarse murmuring, lashes the shores,
“While phantoms of night o'er the wild desert dance.
“The prominent cliff, that impends o'er the flood
“Responds to the ominous scream of the owl;


“Crim wolves rave infuriate through the dark wood,
“Their orgies nocturnal discordantly howl;!
“Here, pensively straying, I'll climb the tall steep,
“While Night's leaden sceptre bids nature repose,
“From the brow of the precipice plunge in the deep,
“And thus put an end to my numberless woes.
“In the gay morn of life surely none was more blest,
“To the blithe song of pleasure I danc'd o'er the green,
“Of innocence, beauty, and fortune possest,
“While sportive festivity hail'd me her queen.
“To solace my parents my pleasing employ,
“Their life's rugged passage with flow'rets to strow,
“Amanda their hope, and Amanda their joy.
“Her happiness all that they wish'd for below.


“Thus fifteen fair summers roll'd swiftly away,
“Ere man, base deceiver, to ruin me strove,
“Ere Cleon, deceitful, but witty and gay,
“First melted my heart to the raptures of love.
“Spring, sweetly luxuriant, deck'd the gay lawn,
“The dew-drop, nectareous, bespangled the grove,
“When Cleon first met me, one beautiful morn,
“With trembling solicitude whisper'd his love.
“His person was graceful, his manners refin'd,
“A pupil of Chesterfield, easy and free;
“But night's darkest gloom not so dark as his mind,
“Not half so deceitful yon treacherous sea.
“With eyes beaming rapture he swore to be true;
“Can cruelty dwell with a cherub so fair?
“Would you make me unhappy who live but for you,
“Ah! why should you drive a fond youth to despair?


“With fatal success were his stratagems piled
“To ruin a blooming and innocent maid;
“Full often he promis'd to make me his bride,
“Then, basely deserted the nymph he betray'd!
“The news to my parents convey'd sad surprise,
“Oppress'd with keen anguish they tore their grey hair,
“Till pitying death clos'd their sorrowing eyes,
“But left me behind them a prey to despair.
“Impell'd by rude Phrensy I wander'd from home,
“That home once delightful, where once I was blest,
“Now indigent, hopeless, distracted I roam,
“'Till Death's cold embrace full my sorrows to rest!
“But, ah! the wild horrours of madness return
“To rive every nerve in my tremulous frame,
“Forbear, my pain'd head, any longer to burn,
“Cease, anguishing heart, to enkindle the flame.


“Roar louder, ye winds! spread destruction around!
“Let thunders, loud bellowing, shake the firm pole,
“Let earthquakes impel e'en the shuddering ground,
“To mimick the passions which torture my soul!
“Ah, Cleon! thou false, thou perfidious swain,
“My spectre shall haunt thee in Night's silent gloom.”
She spake; then precipitant plung'd in the main,
And sought for repose in the cold watery tomb!