University of Virginia Library


[While scenes of transport every heart inspire]

While scenes of transport every heart inspire,
The Muse, too, triumphs in her kindling fire.
Blest in their bliss, she lifts a bolder wing,
Aids every wish and tunes the harp to sing;
To their glad concert wakes the accordant strain
And mingles with the music of the plain.
‘Joy to the Bands,’ her voice arose,
‘Who chained that veteran host of foes;
Who bade Britannia's glory fade
And placed the wreath on fair Columbia's head.’


‘Hail the day and mark it well:
Then the scourge of Freedom fell,
Then your dawning glory shone,—
Mark it, Freeman! 'tis your own.
‘Now recount your toils with pleasure,
View the strife and sum the treasure;
Run the battles o'er again,
Sound the charge and sweep the plain;
Here behold the foe pursuing—
How he drives his headlong way,
Whelming towns and realms in ruin,
Sure to seize the distant prey.
False and faithless tribes adore him,
Join the shout and yield him room.
Now, Albania, fall before him—
Now, Rebellion, learn your doom.’

[The concluding stanza is as follows:]

Then every glad blessing thy country can lend
When her foes and her slaughters shall cease,
Shall arise to the Hero who bade her ascend
To conquest, to glory, and peace.