University of Virginia Library


A friend, on hearing that “Yonnondio” was in press, remarked that it would appear at an unpropitious hour.

The clamor of contending parties in a great political contest, I am aware, is well calculated to drown the low undertone of a poet's lute; but the same cause, by distracting the attention of criticism, may render the voice of censure less harsh and loud.

The Poem is descriptive of events which transpired in the valley of the Genesee, during the summer and autumn of 1687—of the memorable attempt of the Marquis De Nonville, under pretext of preventing an interruption of the French trade, to plant the standard of Louis XIV. in the beautiful country of the Senecas.

Impartial history has convicted the Marquis of an open infraction of the treaty made at Whitehall, in the previous year, between Great Britain and France, by which it was settled that the Indian trade in America should remain free to both crowns. The Five Nations were in alliance with the former, and English parties were cut off on the Lakes, their effects seized, and their persons imprisoned, previous to any hostile demonstration on the part of the Senecas.

I shall not apologize to my readers for clothing a stable framework of fact with the shifting drapery of fancy—it is the bard's prerogative by immemorial usage; nor will I advert to hero and heroines, summoned from “Dream Land,” further than to say that in Blanche I have endeavored to portray a true-hearted woman, strong and faithful in her love, and sustained in the hour of trial by a firm reliance on Heaven. D'Lisle, I will admit, is not a fair representative of that famous order who pioneered the way on this continent, for the march of civilization. Many of Loyola's followers were the messengers of peace and good will to man, though their subtle and dissembling policy was ever to make political proselytes through the agency of religion.

In conclusion, let me add, that I have essayed to throw the mantle of Romance over the pleasant scenes of my boyhood; and if my failure has been signal, the most censorious must admit that the design is worthy of commendation.

Avon, August 24, 1844.