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Our Heroes

Patriotic Poems on Men, Women and Sayings of The Negro Race

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The rapid progress which our people have made in the preparation and publication of books is one of the indisputable evidences of culture and refinement Twenty-five years ago, comparatively speaking, we were in total literary darkness, but now there are thousands and thousands of cultured men and women in all sections of our country striving earnestly for the elevation of an oppressed race. Our scholars are at work in all departments of human knowledge. Many are teaching in our schools and colleges; many attending the sick and dying with more than ordinary medical skill; many with learning and eloquence, pleading at the bar of Justice; many grappling with the abstruse problems of the sciences; historians of marvellous patience and prodigious research are bringing to the light of this century the heroic deeds and wonderful achievements of our ancestors, and the poet, with almost Divine inspiration, has thrown his illuminating rays upon the characters of our heroes, and, with the skill of an artistic hand, has woven the threads into a tale of beauty and melody, at once touching, inspiring and sublime. Parents will do well to put these songs of the poet into the hands of their children.

J. H. M. POLLARD, Rector of St. Mark's Church, Charleston, S. C. June 9th, 1890.