University of Virginia Library

Sincere Commitment Needed

At the close of Saturday's
session S. Wayne Kay, VPI
fourth-year man and forum
chairman, stated that the
steering committee should, "go
to the forum's Legislative
Advisory Council and lay it on
the line. We are going to have
to have an honest and sincere
commitment on the part of the

"I would recommend that if
their dedication and input
cannot come near to equaling
that of the participating
students we should change the
direction and focus of the

Commerce School President
Alan Botsford, vice-chairman
of the first forum two years
ago, claimed that the
conferences should be
discontinued unless substantial
changes in the program are

Compared to past meetings,
"this year's lack of an issue
marked student enthusiasm.
They are now more
complacent and apathetic."

Begun two years ago, the
Open Forum was designed to
"facilitate a communication
and exchange of ideas between
college students and
legislators," not to pass student
resolutions. The annual
meetings have been funded by
grants from several major