University of Virginia Library

Infraction Notices

When infractions are discovered,
Assistant Director of Housing Travis
Brown sends the guilty student a notice
to remove the disputed article. Lawn
residents indicate that most of them
disregard the notice, and no subsequent
follow-up notice is sent.

In regard to this, Mr. Main has stated
that it is the duty of the counselor to
enforce housing policy once the
infraction has been discovered. In cases
where the student sends in a reply to the
removal notice, though, another removal
notice usually follows.

When checking the rooms the
supervisors cannot open drawers, closets,
or generally conduct a search according
to Mr. Main. All evidence must be visible
to the eyes. Even so some Lawn residents
have received notices to remove sleeping
bags hidden in closets, and coffee pots
buried under piles of dirty clothes.

Widely circulated rumors contend that
the Housing Office exhaustively inspects
dorm rooms and Lawn rooms for drugs in
addition to the aforementioned illegal
articles over the holidays.

Mr. Main professes that no search was
conducted, but that the holidays are the
only times that Housekeeping can
thoroughly wax and clean the rooms.

Double beds and sleeping bags are not
allowed simply because of cohabitation
reasons. Mr. Main declares that guests
must fill out a form to be approved by
the counselor-in-charge and the Housing
Office. Cots are then furnished to the
guests free of charge.

No specific regulation exists
prohibiting waterbeds. Mr. Main has
declared these illegal citing possible water
damage, abnormal weight stress, and lack
of storage space for the removed beds.