University of Virginia Library

Black Recruitment

Solutions or actions to alleviate these
problems included institution of a
full-time black faculty recruitment staff,
employment of a Black administrator in
President Shannon's office, Black-White
equality in all levels of the
Administration, and a committee of Black
students and faculty to meet with
prospective Black faculty members.

Formation of a system that will ensure
University housing for all minority
students is also proposed. Since the
majority of Blacks are on financial aid,
the BSA feels that they should be assured
of dormitory space.

According to William H. Fishback, Jr.,
Director of Information Services for the
University, "a broad front of effort" is
being put forth by the University to
alleviate the problems listed by the BSA.

He pointed specifically to increases in
Black enrollment, summer transition
programs for Black high school students,
and accelerated efforts for employment
of Black professors.