University of Virginia Library

"Collusion And Coercion"

In the Student Council meeting last
Tuesday night, Paul DiPasquale charged
the December Coalition of "collusion
with The Cavalier Daily and coercion of
other potential candidates."

The charge of collusion with The
Cavalier Daily centered on the assertion
that personnel from The Cavalier Daily
were deeply involved in the selection of
the candidates, and that an arrangement
had been made so that the candidates of
the coalition would receive detailed
campaign coverage from The Cavalier

In respect to the second charge of
coercion Mary Ann McDermott,
representative from the graduate school
of Arts and Science, said that by Mr.
Collier's support of a particular slate of
candidates, he was encouraging other
students not to run.

In response, Mr. Collier said that
"Peter Shea, editor of The Cavalier Daily,
was contacted to find his opinion of some
people who were running on Coalition
ticket." Mr. Kerr added that "as soon as
the coalition became structured, people
from The Cavalier Daily were not

Mr. Shea said that, "Mr. DiPasquale's
charge of collusion between The Cavalier
Daily and the candidates of the December
Coalition is totally unfounded. Mr.
Collier approached a number of staff
members of the newspaper and asked
them to recommend possible candidates
for Student Council in the upcoming
election to run on a ticket which he and
other students hoped to form."

He added that, "he later asked my
opinion about the persons the party's
organizers had chosen: I personally knew
only one of the top seven candidates.
Thus, as Mr. DiPasquale admitted in
making the charge, he doesn't know what
he is talking about."

Mr. Shea stated that, "those who
charge that a deal has been made with
one party or the other concerning news
coverage during the campaign are simply
misinformed. The newspaper has
attempted in the past and will continue in
the future to cover the news at the
University fairly."

He added that, "in any election with
10 to 15 candidates, we can guarantee
only that those candidates who make
news through the proposals they make
and the issues they raise will have their
campaigns covered on the news pages of
the newspaper. If the editors of The
Cavalier Daily choose to support any
particular candidates, they will do so by
endorsing them on the editorial page."