University of Virginia Library

$775,000 Grant

The LEAA had awarded a block grant of
$775,000 to the state to build a prison. These
funds represent 20 to 25 per cent of the total
cost of the 3.7 million dollars prison. As a
result of yesterday's ruling, the state will not be
able to use this allocation until the LEAA
prepares a statement on the impact of the
project on the environment and on the
historical landmarks.


Don Luce Describing Plight Of Vietnamese People

Mr. Luce Will Speak Again Tonight At 8:30 In Newcomb South Meeting Room

This statement will then be circulated to
several federal agencies who will make
comments on it. The final decision, however,
rests with the LEAA.

This statement had maintained that the two
federal acts had been overruled by the more
recent Safe Streets Act. They maintained that
Congress had designed the streets act to give
states authority in using federal funds.