University of Virginia Library

1000 Dollar Award

Dr. Snavely became the first person to earn
a Ph.D. degree in economics from the
University in 1919. He began teaching here in
1918 and retired in 1961 after chairing the
Department of Economics for 33 years. A
graduate economics library and the Tipton R.
Snavely Award have already been established in
his honor. The award presents 1,000 dollars for
the best doctoral dissertation by a graduate
student written during every three year period.

Dr. Nolting has participated in the U.S.
Foreign Service between the years of 1946 and
1964. During that time he served on the U.S.
delegation to the United Nations, as a
representative to NATO, and as ambassador to
South Vietnam from 1961 to 1963. Dr. Nolting
obtained his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees from
Virginia and his M.A. from Harvard.