University of Virginia Library

Candidates Filed

By yesterday, the following slate of
candidates had filed for President and
Vice President of Student Council: for
President, Alan Botsford (Virginia
Progressive Party) and Tom Collier; and for
Vice-President, Peter E. Gillespie and Stu Pape
(Virginia Progressive Party). However, any
student eligible for election may be a write-in
candidate if a petition is filed before the polls
close, and all other requirements are fulfilled.

Each student will also be asked to vote on
four referenda affecting the structure and
operation of Council and the Judiciary
Committee. The first referendum, proposed by
the New Constitution Party, seeks to abolish
the present Student Council constitution and
replace it with a new constitution.


Tom Collier

Independent Candidate For President

The second item would amend the Student
Council constitution to require a forty per cent
voter turnout before the results of a
referendum could be considered binding on

The third referendum proposes a $750
yearly salary for the Council President,
beginning with the new president. The fourth
referendum is an amendment to the Judiciary
Committee constitution, allowing a reduction
in semester requirements for candidacy on the
Judiciary Committee.