University of Virginia Library

Provision Ineffective

It was felt by some, however, that this
provision is ineffective as it allows such
organizations as the Jefferson Society, which
does not offer membership to women, to
continue using University space as long as open
meetings are held.

It was the opinion of the Council that this
policy should be changed and a motion was
passed by a significant majority stating that all
student organizations wishing to use University
facilities must be recognized by Student
Council and that this policy applies to any
student organization that exists for more than
30 days. Further, a student organization is one
of which a majority of active members are

Also, provisions shall be made for temporary
recognition of organizations of national
affiliations which are making good-faith efforts
to either eliminate discrimination clauses in
national constitutions or receive permission to
supersede such national constitution clauses.

During the course of its meeting the Council
was also presented with a petition from the
Union of University Students calling for a
referendum regarding the recently promulgated
Standards of Conduct. This referendum will be
included in the upcoming election to be held on
November 4 and 5.