University of Virginia Library

University Facilities

Regarding University facilities, it was required that a
statement of non-discriminatory membership policy must
be signed by the officers of any organization that uses
University space for events it sponsors. (For years, all
University-sponsored events have been operated on a
non-discriminatory basis.)

On April 22, 1968, the Comptroller advised deans,
chairmen of departments, and all administrative officers
that the University's policy requires that all official
University groups refrain from using facilities which
practice discrimination, and stated that the Bursar would
interpret certification of a voucher for official entertaining
as an officer's personal assurance that the facility
involved is non-discriminatory.

Applications by faculty members for mortgages
financed by University funds include a promise by the
faculty member that his re-sale of the house would be
without restriction as to race, color, religion or national

This information was transmitted to the Charlottesville-Albemarle
Real Estate Board so that the realtors of
the community would be aware of unrestricted sales that
may eventually be available from this circumstance, and
that unrestricted housing must be widely available in the
community if the University is to attract qualified black
persons to the faculty and staff.

Off-Grounds Housing listings, now provided to
students, faculty and staff as a service, are not accepted
on properties where the agents or owners do not certify
that there will be no discrimination because of race, color,
religion or national origin.